80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1024 Put on a big event, long needles

Huang Mao had never seen such a beautiful girl before, and was not afraid of his little girl. As soon as he saw Jiang Zhiying's smiling face, he instantly forgot everything, and subconsciously wanted to nod his head.

It wasn't until his chin hit the cold ground that he reacted suddenly: No! It was obvious that someone kicked his lower back just now, and the force was quite strong! How could it be careless? Wait, this little girl looks like a flower, does she have that much strength?

He looked at Jiang Zhiying suspiciously, and then saw that she raised her foot with a smile, and then slammed into his right hand!

Immediately, there was a sharp pain in the right hand.

At the same time, the knife in his hand was also kicked out, slid under Meng Xiao's feet, and stopped when it hit the sneakers on Meng Xiao's feet.

Meng Xiao was stunned for a moment, looked at the knife in front of him, and quickly reacted: Huang Mao just took the knife and wanted to sneak attack on him! This turtle grandson, he is really ruthless, he actually wants to use a knife!

He looked at Huang Mao angrily, suddenly bent down to pick up the knife on the ground, and walked towards Huang Mao fiercely.

Seeing that he was about to kill, Jiang Zhiying hurriedly said, "Meng Xiao, look what time is it now? If you don't go to class, what are you doing here?"

If you really want to move the knife, this thing can't be good.

Although Huang Mao is a scoundrel, and at first glance, he is not very good.

But after all, he was a living person. If Meng Xiao really stabbed him, he would be in trouble.

Meng Xiao gritted his teeth and said angrily, "You go first, I'll go over later."

He didn't expect Jiang Zhiying to appear suddenly, and he didn't want to involve her.

It's a pity that Jiang Zhiying has encountered such a thing, how can she feel relieved to leave him here alone?

She walked over directly and snatched the knife from Meng Xiao's hand while he was not paying attention, then sneered and asked the gangsters, "Have you seen this knife?"

The other gangsters have already climbed up and formed a tacit understanding of the situation. Even Huang Mao stood up in fear of death and looked at them vigilantly, his eyes a bit fierce.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Meng Xiao glared at Jiang Zhiying angrily: "Look at what you have done!"

After finishing, he whispered, "Hurry up and give me the knife!"

Jiang Zhiying didn't give it to him, she played a knife trick and threw the knife out violently.

The oil-headed youth only felt a sudden cold under the crotch, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. It's just that the position of the crotch is too awkward, and he can't reach out and touch it in front of other people, so he doesn't care.

Who would have guessed that as soon as he moved, a hole in his crotch suddenly burst open, and then the cold wind poured in.

He was dumbfounded on the spot, and he didn't care about embarrassment or embarrassment, so he reached out and touched it.

As a result, when he touched it, he found that there was a big hole in his trousers, which made him cold!

The others didn't know his situation. Seeing that he suddenly reached out to touch his crotch, the gangsters all stared at him in surprise, with very strange eyes.

Meng Xiao was also shocked and roared at him angrily: "You are shameless! Didn't you see any girls!"

After finishing speaking, she started chasing Jiang Zhiying: "Don't look at it, be careful of the long needles, they all said that there is nothing to do with you here, hurry up and leave!"

Jiang Zhiying was speechless for a while.

She just broke the oily youth's crotch just now. She was afraid of hot eyes, but she kept her hand away. She couldn't see the broken crotch at all from this angle.

Where are the needles growing?

And these gangsters, they all ran outside the school to cause trouble. If they don't take advantage of this time to clean up, they will definitely dare to do it next time!

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