80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1040 There is a problem with the perfume

Jiang Zhiying was sitting in the taxi, feeling quite unhappy.

She just didn't want a little girl from Zhou Yuning to go to Teacher Liu's house. She was afraid that she would see some hot eyes and leave a psychological shadow, so she pretended to be sick and asked Zhou Yuning to accompany her to the hospital.

Who knew that if you just stopped a taxi when you came out, you could have an accident!

The taxi that Zhou Yuning stopped was not that kind of black car, it was a serious taxi.

It's a pity that the car is a serious car, but the driver who drives it is not a serious driver.

What bad luck this is!

As soon as Zhou Yuning opened the car door, Jiang Zhiying could smell it, and the smell in the car was not right.

Generally, there is an unpleasant smell in the taxi, which makes people uncomfortable. Some drivers will use car perfume, or air freshener or something, to suppress that smell and make the car smell fresher.

The taxi stopped by Zhou Yuning also used in-car perfume, but he was not using any serious perfume. It is actually a kind of medicine. If you smell it too much, you will not only feel weak all over, but your consciousness will also become drowsy.

What can be a good thing if such a drug is used in the car?

However, although Jiang Zhiying smelled it, she did not refuse.

If she and Zhou Yuning didn't get in the car, others would definitely suffer.

Although she is not a virgin herself, she has met them all, and it is impossible to watch the driver go to harm others.

So she pretended not to know and got into a taxi with Zhou Yuning.

After getting in the car, as soon as the door was closed, the smell became stronger. In particular, the strange smell of the car itself is still permeating the car, which is particularly uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhiying was afraid that Zhou Yuning would be hurt by smelling too much, so she didn't let her smell it. After getting in the car, she used her mental power to isolate the smell. At the same time, she gave Zhou Yuning a little hallucination, making her think that she still smelled the smell, and she was completely numb. strength.

The driver suddenly shouted fiercely, but Zhou Yuning was startled, and his drowsy mind was also a little awake.

Just because she was afraid that the driver would yell again, she didn't dare to open the window again.

After all, she's just a little girl. Even if she becomes the squad leader, she has some prestige in the squad, but Zhou Yuning is scared when she encounters such a ferocious social person as a driver.

Jiang Zhiying didn't do anything extra, she just leaned on Zhou Yuning's shoulder and pretended to be sick.

She wanted to see what the driver was trying to do!

After leaning on for a while, Jiang Zhiying suddenly realized that Zhou Yuning had secretly grabbed her hand and pinched her hard!

She was a little surprised, and was about to look at Zhou Yuning when she heard Zhou Yuning whispering in her ear: "Don't move! Classmate Jiang, do you think there is something wrong with this driver?"

Jiang Zhiying's eyes flashed slightly, somewhat surprised by Zhou Yuning's performance.

She deliberately hypnotized Zhou Yuning. At this time, Zhou Yuning should be all soft. But she still has the strength to pinch people, and even said something to her!

Nice little sister!

"I also think he's a bit fierce." Jiang Zhiying deliberately whispered, "What should I do now? My whole body is soft and I have no strength at all."

"We can't sit still, we have to find a way to escape!" Zhou Yuning said in a low voice, she was very weak, and after a while she said, "Jump out of the car, otherwise, if we go to a place where no one is there, we will definitely be more dangerous."

When Jiang Zhiying heard this, she silently gave Zhou Yuning a compliment. As expected of a monitor, his brain is smart.

However, Zhou Yuning's method was too risky and not suitable for them.

Don't jump out of the car, it's very dangerous!

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