80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1044 The strange change of the driver

Jiang Zhiying looked vigilantly at the location of the evil spirit, intending to take a closer look at what it was.

Because this group of evil spirits gave her a very strange feeling, she did not rashly use her mental power to investigate, for fear of something strange.

Unfortunately, before she could do anything, the driver suddenly screamed again, like killing a pig.

What Jiang Zhiying didn't expect was that with his call, Zhou Yuning who was in a drowsiness was woken up!

"Classmate Jiang?" Zhou Yuning exclaimed, and quickly panicked, "What is this place? Why am I tied here?"

As soon as she woke up, she found herself tied to a chair and unable to move. The previous fierce driver was lying on the ground, and Jiang Zhiying also had a wooden stick in her hand!

Oh, no, looking at the shape of the wooden bar, it is clearly on the back of the chair.

The more Zhou Yuning looked, the more flustered she became, and even the look in Jiang Zhiying's eyes became suspicious.

It stands to reason that Jiang Zhiying is her classmate, so there is no need for her to be afraid.

But as soon as she woke up, she saw that she was tied up, and Jiang Zhiying was not only fine, but the driver.

Zhou Yuning was a little unsure of who was the enemy.

She remembered that it was Jiang Zhiying who said that she was feeling uncomfortable before, and she had to accompany her to the hospital, and she became more and more suspicious.

As soon as Jiang Zhiying saw her panicked eyes, she guessed what she was thinking, so she explained: "Squad leader, are you awake? I just woke up too. This person is not at ease, I don't know if he is tied to our thoughts. What are you doing? Fortunately, I learned a little kung fu, otherwise we would be in danger today."

The driver's face turned pale in pain, but he was very awake. He looked at Zhou Yuning, saw her vigilant eyes, and seemed worried about Jiang Zhiying, and immediately felt that the opportunity had come.

He quickly said: "You are talking nonsense! It was you who forced me to drive the car here with a knife, and forced me to tie her up! As soon as I tied her up, you hit me with a chair! Look at my legs. She was interrupted!"

The last sentence was directed at Zhou Yuning.

Zhou Yuning was startled at first, but when she heard him say that, she looked at Jiang Zhiying even more vigilantly.

She thought about it and said, "Classmate Jiang, can you help me untie the rope first?"

Jiang Zhiying knew that she was actually testing.

It is estimated that she was worried that she was not at ease, so she deliberately made such a request to test her attitude.

Of course she would help Zhou Yuning untie the rope, but not now.

The driver had the energy to pour dirty water on her, and must have the strength to do other things. At this time, how could she leave the driver alone and help Zhou Yuning untie the rope first?

Zhou Yuning is awake now, and the driver is strange. She can't use mental power to condense the rope to Zhou Yu directly in front of these two people.

Jiang Zhiying said decisively: "Squad leader, wait for a while, this driver is very dangerous. When I tie him up, I will come to rescue you!"

Unexpectedly, the driver jumped up from the ground when he heard this, and quickly flew to Zhou Yuning's side!

Jiang Zhiying looked at him in shock.

This person's right leg was obviously interrupted by her, and it is logically impossible to stand up, but he just stood up!

Is it because of that evil spirit?

Previously, the evil energy was only concentrated on the driver's chest, but now part of it was distributed to the driver's legs. Obviously it is this part of the evil that gives the driver extraordinary strength, not only is he not affected by fractures, but his jumping ability has become very amazing.

Jiang Zhiying narrowed her eyes cautiously.

But he saw that the driver suddenly gave a grim smile, took out another knife from his body, and stabbed Zhou Yuning fiercely!

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