Just as Jiang Zhiying was looking at the driver, the driver suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Zhiying strangely.

He looked straight at Jiang Zhiying, his pupils turned pitch black at first, and then quickly returned to normal.

Afterwards, he seemed to have suddenly regained all consciousness, his expression suddenly became very painful, and he screamed: "Ah...I...my arm...my arm is broken..."

Jiang Zhiying looked at him coldly, but didn't react.

The driver screamed again: "I'm so hurt, please, please help me, I know I'm wrong."


Jiang Zhiying still didn't respond.

The driver shouted again: "I really know I'm wrong, and I don't want to."

Speaking of this, he suddenly burst into tears: "I just want to get some money, really, I just want to scare you, I don't want to really hurt you.

My father is a paralyzed man, and my mother is a sanitation worker. Every day before dawn, I go out to sweep the streets. Not long ago, my car crashed and my body was smashed.

My son was born sick and has cerebral palsy. He spent a lot of money just for the treatment. My wife couldn't stand it, so she left us and ran away.

There are only three of us left in the family. My father and son both need someone to take care of me. Now that I am like this, how can they live!

Woohoo, I just want to get some money, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to live. Please let me go, I really know I was wrong. If I get caught, my dad and my son will be left alone, and they will have to live and die! "

Jiang Zhiying still didn't respond, she just looked at the crying driver mockingly.

But Zhou Yuning suddenly opened his mouth: "Jiang...Student Jiang..."

Jiang Zhiying turned her head and saw Zhou Yuning standing at the door. She stabbed the wooden stick and looked at the driver sympathetically: "He is so pitiful, or... or forget it..."

Jiang Zhiying was not surprised: "Do you want to let him go?"

Zhou Yuning pursed her lips nervously: "I... I just think he's really pitiful..."

She hesitated for a while before continuing, "If he is caught, what will happen to his family? He is paralyzed and cerebral palsy. It's too pitiful."

Just thinking about it made her feel terrible.

Zhou Yuning thought about the paralyzed father and the poor son with cerebral palsy in the driver's family, and felt heavy. He couldn't do anything to watch them starve to death.

Although she couldn't see it, she could imagine it.

Those two will definitely need the driver's care, and if the driver gets caught, they'll probably actually die. At that time, wouldn't those two be killed by her?

Zhou Yu Ningguang thought of such a thing, and she felt as if a heavy mountain was pressing down on her back, making her breathless.

This is two lives, how can she bear it?

Seeing her soft heart, Jiang Zhiying said, "This person is seriously injured, and it is impossible for him to be imprisoned immediately. He has to be hospitalized first. His family is so poor, he must not be able to pay for the hospitalization. What do you think? "

Zhou Yuning was immediately stopped.

How to do?

Zhou Yuning thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "Then... or we... Forget it, let me come out."

She looked at Jiang Zhiying's indifferent face, and suddenly she couldn't say anything to ask Jiang Zhiying to pay.

Jiang Zhiying did not refute, but said again: "Then he is hospitalized, what about his paralyzed father and cerebral palsy son? They definitely need someone to take care of them."

This time, Zhou Yuning was suddenly dumbfounded.

Let’s talk about it, Zhou is not a Virgin, that is, he has not been beaten by society, and he has never made money. He doesn’t know the difficulty of making money, so he is relatively naive.

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