80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1051 Forcibly Stripped


The driver's scream didn't sound like a human at all, but more like some kind of monster.

His pupils became pitch black, and his body squatted on the ground strangely, as if he had turned into a monster.

Suddenly, he jumped up violently and rushed towards Jiang Zhiying fiercely.

At this time, he didn't look like a human at all, more like some kind of animal.

Jiang Zhiying smiled coldly, grabbed the remaining wooden chair, and slapped him hard!

Just like swatting a fly, the wooden chair slapped the driver with a thud, sending him flying away.


There was another loud bang, and the driver's body slammed into the wall again.

Then there was another "click", apparently broken again.

Just miserable.


The driver let out a howl again, the sound was particularly harsh, it sounded like a scream and a roar.

Soon, he jumped up again and continued to pounce on Jiang Zhiying.

Jiang Zhiying lifted her chair again and slapped him out.

"It looks like you're not very smart." She slapped the driver away, still sneering, "And your body isn't very useful, what do you think about your vision? Who is not good to pick? You're a useless crap gambler. All I need to do is shoot another chair and you'll fall apart."

The driver roared: "Ow—"

"Shut up, hold it for me, don't you realize your voice is ugly now! It's really noisy!"

Jiang Zhiying cursed in disgust, and then when the driver got up again and roared to rush towards her, the mental power and devouring ability she had already prepared were dispatched in an instant!

Soon, a mass of evil spirit was forcibly stripped from the driver.

This thing was as stubborn as superglue, sticking to the hapless junk driver and refusing to come down. Jiang Zhiying thought it was too busy, and finally used her mental power and swallowing ability to tear it off abruptly!

She started very rough, and after the thing was forcibly torn off, it was still twisting wildly, like a disgusting slug.

Jiang Zhiying was disgusted, so she decisively stuck a small bottle into it, and then sealed it with a talisman.

Without this support, how can the driver who has been seriously injured can still support it? He fainted on the spot.

Then he was forcibly woken up by Jiang Zhiying.

However, Jiang Zhiying disliked him as a gambler and refused to waste his ability to heal him, so she used a little mental power to force the driver to stay awake, and at the same time blocked the driver's pain, lest this person patronize the pain.

Without the influence of the thing just now, after the driver was woken up, he was obviously a lot more depressed.

He looked at Jiang Zhiying in horror, cowardly like a bug.

Jiang Zhiying looked more and more disgusted.

She asked the driver, "Where did the sign on your body come from?"

The driver shivered with fright, and actually cried: "I...I don't know...I don't know anything...I didn't do it on purpose, it was all the monster who asked me to do it, please forgive me!"

Jiang Zhiying hooked her lips sarcastically: "You tell me first, where did that thing come from?"

She disliked this driver very much. This man didn't look like a man at all. He was too unkind.

Obviously he has no ability to make money, but he forced his elderly parents to go out and touch porcelain to make money.

Now in front of her, she actually has the face to say that she doesn't know anything, and puts all the blame on that monster.

It's really not a thing!

The driver did not expect that he would be ruthlessly exposed, and his face became extremely ugly.

He stared at Jiang Zhiying unconvinced, and then he didn't know what to think, and his expression suddenly became frightened.

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