80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1053 Jiang Zhiying's Sassy Operation

Jiang Zhiying felt that this thing was sick.

If nothing else, there is a problem with the brain first.

Obviously this thing rushed towards her first, and it was still aggressive and flamboyant.

She's not stupid, doesn't she fight back and wait for the other party to deal with her?

If she loses, she loses, and she dares to threaten her!


Jiang Zhiying quickly pulled the ugly snake out and sealed it in another small bottle.

Without this little snake, the driver who had been shivering just now fainted immediately.

However, although he saved a small life, the loss was not small. Not only did his hair turn white, but there were also a few more wrinkles on his face.

It can be said to be immortal.

If it wasn't for him being greedy and wanting to make a fortune, he would go to gamble and owe usury, and he would not have taken risks under the instigation of that thing, and finally kicked the iron plate with his bare feet.

Jiang Zhiying's face was cold, but she was a little fortunate in her heart.

The person this time was too vicious. If she hadn't moved fast enough and her strength was not bad, the driver would have bleeded from the seven orifices on the spot and turned into a corpse!

By then, she will definitely be in trouble.

Although her troubles are not small now, the situation is definitely different between dead people and non-dead people.

Jiang Zhiying looked at the severely injured driver with disgust, and with a thought, she directly extracted some of his vitality and used it to repair his injury.

Although this person is suspected of kidnapping, he hasn't had time to blackmail him, so the crime won't be too serious.

If he was hurt too badly, she'd be in trouble.

This person's parents ran out to touch porcelain to make money, and obviously they were also people with no morals. At that time, the two old people ran to her company or outside the restaurant to lie down and howl, but they ignored it.

So we have to deal with this person's injuries first.

However, she wouldn't waste her pills and abilities to save this kind of person, just use his own vitality.

Jiang Zhiying quickly healed the driver's injuries, but in this way, he looked even more vicissitudes.

She didn't care about this. After dealing with the injury on the driver, she released her mental strength to observe the surrounding situation. Seeing that Zhou Yuning brought someone over, she immediately used a trick for herself, and then fell to the ground very simply.

"Classmate Jiang! Classmate Jiang, are you there?"

Zhou Yuning shouted a few times in panic, and Jiang Zhiying heard it, but at the moment she was "injured and unconscious", of course it was impossible to respond to her.

Zhou Yuning didn't know what she was doing, she didn't hear Jiang Zhiying's voice, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly greeted someone and rushed over.

"Come on, classmate Jiang must have an accident!"

Yes, Jiang Zhiying "had an accident", she was lying on the ground "in a coma".

As soon as Zhou Yuning brought people into the factory, she saw Jiang Zhiying lying on the ground, with obvious bruises on her face, her eyes were tightly closed, she didn't know her life or death.

"Student Jiang!"

She screamed in fright, hurriedly ran to Jiang Zhiying, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and probed her breath.

Her hands were shaking non-stop, like Parkinson's. She didn't realize something until the warm breath came from her fingertips, and hurriedly touched Jiang Zhiying's carotid artery.

Jiang Zhiying's body was warm, and her carotid artery was still beating vigorously.

Zhou Yuning felt it carefully for a while, and after confirming that she was not mistaken, she breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground with a soft body, and laughed for the rest of her life.

"Fortunately, classmate Jiang is still alive."

At this time someone asked excitedly: "There is still someone here! Did he arrest you?"

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