80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1056 Pale and Weak Jiang Zhiying

Jiang Zhiying didn't plan to be hospitalized, but in front of Zhou Yuning, she didn't say it.

When she finished the examination, Zhou's father came to the hospital with the police.

They had already been to the abandoned factory, and they had seen the scene, but now they came here mainly to find out about the situation with Jiang Zhiying and Zhou Yuning, and take notes by the way.

Both of them are victims, and the driver has not woken up. They can only learn about the situation from the victims first.

The transcripts were made separately, Jiang Zhiying picked up what she could say and said, "I didn't know what was going on this morning, and I felt very uncomfortable, so I asked the monitor to accompany me to the hospital...

Who knew that when I got into a taxi, it was very stuffy, and I felt dizzy after sitting for a while. I thought it was motion sickness at the time, and the squad leader was not feeling well, so I opened the window, but the driver was very fierce...

We felt that something was wrong with the driver, and the squad leader wanted to jump off the car. I thought it was too dangerous. I told her that the door could be opened, but the door was locked and could not be opened at all...

Then we passed out, and when I woke up, I found myself tied to a chair, and the squad leader was tied too. Fortunately, I had training in this area and knew how to untie the rope, so I untied the rope... …

The driver had a knife in his hand, and he wanted to hit me. I was very scared at the time, so I smashed him with a chair... I was too strong, and the chair broke...

Later, the squad leader woke up, the driver wanted to kill the squad leader, and I beat him with a stick... He said he had a family... The squad leader thought he was pitiful and wanted to give him money, but I thought he was lying...

As a result, he suddenly became very scary, and the monitor and I were both terrified. I let the monitor go first, and I stopped later.

He was really fierce, and he wanted to kill me. Later, for some unknown reason, he suddenly fell down. I wanted to go and have a look, but I was so dizzy and had no strength on my body. I no longer know……

How is he now? When I woke up and heard that he had been arrested, it seemed that he never woke up. "

Jiang Zhiying looked innocent, no matter how she looked at it, she was a pitiful and innocent victim.

The little policeman in charge of taking the transcript looked at her pale face without any doubt, and before leaving, he comforted her to recover from her injuries, so don't worry.

Jiang Zhiying smiled sweetly: "I see, it's hard for you."

The little policeman was simply flattered, he quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not hard or hard, this is what we should do. If you are afraid, little sister, or think of something, you can tell us."

Jiang Zhiying smiled weakly: "I will."

When the little policeman saw that she was so pale that there was no blood, he was embarrassed to continue disturbing her and left quickly.

After he left, Jiang Zhiying was still lying on the bed weakly.

Sure enough, Zhou Yuning came over and sat beside the bed and whispered to Jiang Zhiying, "Student Jiang, how did you know that person was a gambler?"

Jiang Zhiying didn't answer and asked, "Did you tell the police?"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuning shook her head and said mysteriously, "I didn't say this, you won't say it, right?"

She thought it was a bit strange. When the police asked just now, she didn't say anything and kept it a secret.

Worried that Jiang Zhiying said it herself, she couldn't wait to run over and ask.

"I didn't say it either." Jiang Zhiying smiled and took her hand, "Squad leader, thank you. I'll tell you secretly. In fact, I have learned some skills from Master, and I can read faces. I saw it at the time."

Zhou Yuning probably didn't expect her to say such a thing, and her eyes widened in shock.

Suddenly, she sent out a soul torture: "Didn't you find it when you got in the car?"

I'll go here first, I'm too sleepy, I'll write later during the day.

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