80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1059 The Chosen Child

The one who stopped Liu Fu was the one who sold the brand.

As if he knew that Liu Fu would run away, he waited for him outside the bar ahead of time.

Jiang Zhiying really wanted to know who this person was, but unfortunately in Liu Fu's memory, this person has never been able to see his face. Not only that, Liu Fu also lost part of his memory, apparently erased.

Although part of his memory was erased, Liu Fu was still very afraid of this person.

When Jiang Zhiying checked Liu Fu's memory, she only knew that he gave the money later, but she didn't know what that person did to him, which made him so scared.

After this incident, Liu Fu became more and more out of control, relying on that brand to gamble everywhere.

Who knew that within a few days of being complacent, he began to lose money, and he lost a lot. Not only did it bring him back to his original shape, but he also owed him a loan shark!

Liu Fu suspected that there was a problem with the brand, and asked the brand, but the brand said that his own fortune was limited, so he lost money, and finally encouraged him to kidnap the child to make money.

Liu Fu didn't dare to kidnap at first, but he has been hesitant to do anything. As a result, the loan shark asked him for a debt and almost cut off his hand. He was completely frightened, so he planned the kidnapping.

He first asked for the rented taxi, and then found the abandoned factory building. He also prepared chairs, ropes, knives and drugs, and went outside to follow him.

Originally, he thought he would be stalking for several days, but who knew that as soon as Jiang Zhiying and Zhou Yuning came out today, the sign encouraged him to kidnap.

He did so.

Who would have thought that it would actually kick the iron plate!

Jiang Zhiying didn't care about Liu Fu. He was just a small cannon fodder who was sold and paid back to the people. There was no need to care.

The key is the person who sold it to the Liu Fu brand.

She had seen the brand on Liu Fu's body, and it was the evil spirit she saw at the beginning.

The plaque was pinched out of grave soil and ashes, and contained a small section of a baby's phalanx.

Not only that, but there is also a group of spiritual bodies hidden in it, or the undead of a child.

When Jiang Zhiying pretended to be in a coma, she had already secretly checked the thing, and the final discovery made her feel very heavy.

This child was specially chosen.

He was born in a slum, his mother was a smuggler, was controlled by a gang, sold meat for a living, and became addicted to drugs.

She is actually still very young, but because of her bad life, her body has already become dilapidated, and she doesn't even know who the father of the child is.

The child was born with drug-addiction and AIDS, and lived a very difficult life, even a small cold could kill him.

His desire to survive was very strong, but unfortunately he was defeated by the disease in the end, and he died at the age of eight.

However, after he died, he found that he was still conscious.

Someone told him that if he wanted to live, it could help him get a new life.

He naturally wanted to live, so the other party let him possess the amulet, allowing him to devour blood to become stronger.

Even after he devoured more blood, he still had the hope of being reborn!

So after he arrived at Liu Fu's side, he has been beguiling Liu Fu to make wishes and bloodletting, just to be able to take Liu Fu's body one day.

Although he was only eight when he died, life in the slums made him much more mature than his peers. Compared with him, the adult Liu Fu is simply an idiot!

What makes Jiang Zhiying feel heavy is that there is more than one child like him! Some people specially selected many children like him to make so-called amulets.

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