80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1073: Misfortunes lead to the east

Jiang Zhiying glanced at Jiang Shixun secretly, just when she saw his face change, she asked excitedly and a little expectantly, "Hello? Is that Alan?"

Tang Yulan probably felt inexplicable, and her tone was a bit aggressive: "Brother Jiang, are you okay? You are calling me, who am I not?"

Jiang Shixun breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just you, I'm not afraid of trouble on your side."

He didn't want Tang Yulan to know about Bai Qiang, so he hesitated to mention it.

However, Tang Yulan is not stupid. As soon as she heard his strange words, she immediately became vigilant: "Are you in trouble over there?"

Jiang Shixun instinctively denied: "No, I am..."

It's a pity that Tang Yulan knew him too well. Before he could finish speaking, she asked angrily, "Jiang Shixun! Don't try to fool me! Come on, what kind of trouble is there on your side?"

Before Jiang Shixun could figure out how to answer, Jiang Zhiying snatched the eldest brother from his hand: "Mom, are you in the office? Dad and I will come to find you."

Tang Yulan heard her voice, and her tone became even fiercer: "Zhuzhu? Why are you here? You didn't go to class?"

Jiang Zhiying knew she was angry as soon as she heard it, so she quickly cited the misfortune: "Mom, I just called my father, but there was a woman! I was worried about my father, so I came here. Sure enough, the woman had a problem, and she gave my father some medicine!"

Jiang Shixun's face turned black with anger!

This is really his own daughter!

It's really too much, to actually lead the misfortune to the east and sue Tang Yulan about him!

Jiang Shixun glared at Jiang Zhiying sadly.

Jiang Zhiying guiltily did not look at his face.

Just at this moment, there was a "bang" on the phone, as if slapping the table.

It was followed by Tang Yulan's roar: "I knew it! I don't know how many people hit your father's idea over the years. It's really shameless. Can't they work hard on their own? They want to get something for nothing and rob other people's men all day long. It's not cheap..."

Tang Yulan was obviously pissed off, and she turned on her fire without repeating her scolding.

Her voice was so loud that it made her ears hurt even through the phone.

Jiang Zhiying silently took her eldest brother away, for fear of breaking her ears.

She secretly glanced at Jiang Shixun and saw that his face was darkened, she suddenly felt that Tang Yulan could not continue to scold like this, so she brought her eldest brother over and said quickly, "Mom, Dad and I are worried that someone is in your work place. I'll do it, so I'll go see you right away, don't get excited! By the way, where are you? My dad and I are going to look for you!"

Tang Yulan really couldn't scold anymore.

Perhaps she was too surprised, she was silent for a while, and then said the address: "I'm at the main store, come over here."

She opened restaurants, as well as food processing plants.

However, restaurants and factories have special store managers and factory managers in charge, so Tang Yulan doesn't stay in the store or the factory all the time, but just checks in from time to time to prevent people from below.

She was actually in the main store today, and I don't know if there was something wrong with the main store.

Jiang Zhiying and Jiang Shixun looked at each other, and the same worry flashed in the eyes of the father and daughter.

Soon, the two drove to the head office to find Tang Yulan.

The car that Jiang Shixun drove himself arrived at the main store at noon.

The food in the store has always tasted good, so business has always been good.

When they arrived at the store, they saw that there were already many customers sitting in the lobby.

The two were in a hurry to see Tang Yulan, but no one looked at it much. After they entered, someone in the corner suddenly raised his head and looked straight at the direction they left.

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