80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1079 The identity of a woman

As the capital, Longjing is developing much faster than most cities in the country, and there are naturally more cars on the streets.

As soon as the red light came on at the intersection, the woman had to step on the brakes.

What Jiang Zhiying is waiting for is now!

As soon as the car stopped, her mental power, which was already ready to go, instantly invaded the woman's brain and checked her memory.

Her speed is very fast, and her explosive mental power will inevitably cause some damage to a woman's brain, such as losing some memory or something.

However, the time was short, and Jiang Zhiying couldn't care less.

If she doesn't seize this opportunity, she doesn't know when she will be able to wait for the next opportunity.

She doesn't know when the woman will stop, let alone when she will encounter a red light again next time.

So I can only feel sorry for this woman.

Anyway, this woman made the first move, she was just fighting back.

Jiang Zhiying's mental power continued to wreak havoc in the woman's brain, and she quickly checked the woman's memory.

Her face instantly became extremely ugly—

This woman is still her former acquaintance!

Moreover, this person actually had the face to hate them, and deliberately went to her restaurant to do bad things, trying to ruin their business.

It's so funny!

After so many years, she had long forgotten about this woman, but she didn't want to, but this person always remembered.

Jiang Zhiying looked at the woman coldly and shot without hesitation.

It is more troublesome to kill directly. After all, this woman has become a pawn of the black hand behind the scenes. If she died suddenly, that person would definitely make a fuss about it.

So she had to do something else.

Since you can't kill people, it's better to charge some interest first. By the way, I'll give this woman some trouble.

Just then, the green light came on.

Jiang Zhiying withdrew her mental power, and before the woman could react, she quickly peeled off the evil spirit sealed on the sign on her chest, and then used her mental power to perform a "minor surgery" on her.

It's not a complicated operation, just moving her prosthesis.

This woman not only had rhinoplasty, but also had double eyelid and lip augmentation surgery, and even had breast augmentation, filled with prostheses, and took ribs, turning her into a small waist.

However, her plastic surgery was still very successful. After makeup, she could not see the traces of plastic surgery at all, and it was done quite naturally.

There is no such good technology in China, it is estimated that it is done abroad.

However, even in foreign countries, many materials used now still have some defects.

Jiang Zhiying moved her prosthesis, and her prosthesis would soon go wrong.

At that time, this woman will be too busy to take care of herself, and she doesn't believe that she still has the time to come and trouble them!

In addition, she deliberately left that group of evil spirits behind.

Without the control of the evil spirit, this group of evil spirits will soon invade the woman's body.

By then, the woman's situation will only get worse.

Jiang Zhiying glanced at the woman coldly, and devoured her life again as interest before disappearing into the car.

She has already checked the memory of this person and knows her current identity, so there is no need to continue to follow.

After leaving, Jiang Zhiying went directly back to the restaurant.

The woman left something in the restaurant lobby and she had to fix it first.

When Jiang Zhiying returned to the restaurant, Tang Yulan was waiting anxiously.

Jiang Shixun looked calm, but looking at his eyes, he knew that his heart was not calm.

Tang Yulan was so impatient that she even forgot that this was the hall. As soon as she saw Jiang Zhiying coming back, she couldn't wait to ask, "Zhuzhu, are you back? How is it? Did you find that person?"

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