80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1095 Jiang Zhiying is very wrong

Xiao Rin suddenly blushed and felt uncomfortable when she heard Jiang Zhiying's words.

Jiang Zhiying was actually enlightened at this time, and even exposed him!

What will she do next?

He looked at Jiang Zhiying secretly, and suddenly found that she was a little unhappy.

In an instant, Xiao Rin seemed to have been splashed with ice water, and the warmth on his face instantly faded.

He put the food box he brought on the cabinet beside the bed, and said lightly, "I brought you some food, eat it quickly."

As he spoke, he opened the food box and opened a small table for Jiang Zhiying.

As soon as the food box was opened, the fragrance wafted out instantly. Jiang Zhiying smelled that smell and instantly felt hungry.

She watched Xiao Rin bring her something to eat, and suddenly she felt a little bit of sadness.

In the future, when Xiao Rin has a girlfriend, she will definitely not be able to give her meals like she does now, hey, so sad.

The more she thought about it, the more depressed Jiang Zhiying became. She just looked at Xiao Rin for a long time. She really couldn't do anything about the marriage of a bad guy.

Otherwise, Xiao Rin has another half, and she is always looking for him, so what does his other half think?

That's too bitch.

Moreover, although she seriously doubted that Xiao Rin's eyes were not very good, but they had known each other for so many years, they were friends after all. Now Xiao Rin's iceberg is rarely moved, how can she destroy Xiao Rin's marriage because of her own selfishness?

Jiang Zhiying thought for a while depressingly, thinking that she would distance herself from Xiao Rin when she found the culprit this time.

However, perhaps it was because of her sadness that she would lose Xiao Rin, the best errand, and she had no appetite after eating delicious food.

Jiang Zhiying tasted like chewing wax, and she didn't know how she finished it.

She deliberately didn't look at Xiao Rin, and didn't raise her head until she finished eating: "Is there anything else you need?"

Xiao Rin is now completely sure, Jiang Zhiying's mood is very wrong!

what does she mean?

Just hate him so much?

When Xiao Rin thought of this possibility, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

But he is not the kind of person who can be cheeky and stalker. After seeing Jiang Zhiying's indifferent attitude, he silently suppressed his thoughts and said lightly: "I have arranged for someone to stare at Xue Bingqing, her nose is injured, and the former I went to the hospital soon, and the situation is not very good."

It is said that Xue Bingqing was beaten, and she also had plastic surgery. As a result, a hole was opened in her nose, and the prosthesis was exposed.

Although such an injury is not fatal, for women who love beauty, it makes them more uncomfortable than killing them. Injuries on the nose will leave obvious scars if you are not careful, so the wound treatment is very particular.

Xue Bingqing was looking for the plastic surgery department of a big hospital, but she didn't seem to trust the doctors in China, and her attitude was very bad.

Not only that, but she also wore a bead chain around her neck, and the pendant on it was very similar to the amulet Jiang Zhiying showed him.

Xiao Rin guessed that Xue Bingqing would soon find the seller of the amulet.

She didn't trust the doctors in the big hospitals in China. Her nose was too bad and it was inconvenient to go abroad.

"The nose is hurt? It's so fast?" Jiang Zhiying was startled at first, then she was secretly happy, "Keep an eye on her, she will definitely find that seller tonight! When she goes, you must notify me as soon as possible. I'll go catch someone myself!"

The main reason is that Xiaoyuren's time limit is not long, and she can't spend a long time outside, so she can only wait for news in the ward.

Xiao Rin gave her a deep look: "Okay."

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