80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1097 I will definitely not survive

Although Jiang Zhiying had only had one day of class, she knew that Teacher Li, who taught chemistry, was not very easy to get along with.

The key is to be too dedicated, and the management is very strict!

If he becomes the acting head teacher in the future, he will definitely have stricter requirements for the students in the second class.

Jiang Zhiying felt tired just thinking about it, and couldn't help but want to take leave until the day of the college entrance examination.

As a result, what is afraid of.

Zhou Yuning quickly said again: "By the way, classmate Jiang, when I asked Mr. Li for leave today, he looked very unhappy, and he asked me to inform you so that you can recover from your injury and return to school as soon as possible!"

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

She knows it!

Zhou Yuning saw that her face was not good-looking, and she was afraid of irritating her, so she quickly comforted her: "But don't be too nervous. Although Teacher Li is a little serious, she is actually a good person. She is very serious in class. She has been watching over us today."

Jiang Zhiying forced a smile: "..."

She knows it!

Now that the head teacher has been replaced by the chemistry teacher, the students in the second class will definitely not have a good life in the future!

In comparison, that teacher Liu is really gentle.

Too bad it's a beast.

Jiang Zhiying sighed secretly in her heart, but she didn't regret cleaning up the man named Liu. At first glance, that person is not a good thing, although he looks very gentle, but if you want to keep him, you don't know how many people you will harm in the future!

Especially Ruan Yulan.

The little girl was inferior and sensitive, and her family was still poor, so she was counting on going to university to change her fate.

If she was harmed by someone surnamed Liu, with her temperament, she would definitely not be able to survive.

Now that she can see it, she can't helplessly watch a little girl being harmed by a beast.

Jiang Zhiying looked at Zhou Yuning weakly: "Monitor, please help me tell Teacher Li, just say I already know, I must take good care of my injury, strive for an early recovery, and go back to school."

As for when he can go back, it depends on Xue Bingqing's efforts.

Zhou Yuning looked at her pale and bloodless face, she couldn't bear it, and she was very ashamed: "Student Jiang, I was bad before, but I actually believed the driver's words and hurt you like this."

"You are really too careless." Jiang Zhiying really felt that Zhou Yuning was too naive to believe the words of a gambler!

Can a gambler have the truth in his mouth?

This kind of person loses in a hurry, and can do anything in order to make money. There is no lower limit like those who take drugs.

Jiang Zhiying reminded: "There are a lot of bad people in this world. You are so pretty, squad leader, but you have to be careful. Don't believe what anyone says. If you are deceived by scumbags, the consequences will be terrifying."

Zhou Yuning blushed instantly: "..."

She was embarrassed to be lectured by her peers suddenly. Who knows, Jiang Zhiying actually said she was beautiful!

Really, classmate Jiang, how dare you say anything!

She looked at Jiang Zhiying shyly, seeing her bright eyes and kind smile, her sincere and gentle smile, her face turned even redder.

"Okay, I understand, I won't be fooled again." Zhou Yuning said embarrassedly, pursed her lips and quickly added, "The driver is still waiting for me, I'll go back first, and I'll see you tomorrow."

There was a kidnapping incident today. Her parents were very worried and arranged for a driver to pick her up.

Jiang Zhiying waved at her: "Go back, be careful on the road."

She doesn't want Zhou Yuning to stay here, she still has business to do!

Jiang Zhiying firmly believed that Xue Bingqing would take action soon, and sure enough, Zhou Yuning had just left when Xiao Rin came: "Xue Bingqing has some action, I'll take you there."

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