80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1100 Xiao Rin took her hand

Jiang Zhiying didn't think much about it, she felt that what Xiao Rin said was quite reasonable, so she didn't object.

Although it was good for her and Xiao Rin to act separately, but now there is no smartphone, and the eldest brother is too big. If there are many people in the bar, it is really inconvenient to be separated.

Even if she has mental power and Xiao Rin has space ability, once there are more people, it will be troublesome just to find people.

It is better to act together first, and then act by chance.

Xiao Rin took Jiang Zhiying to the side of the road, and first called the person who was stalking to determine Xue Bingqing's location.

Jiang Zhiying took the opportunity to spread out her mental power and started looking for someone directly.

It wasn't long before the mental power spread out. She was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and hurriedly took back the mental power that was released.

Jiang Zhiying's face was ugly.

Although she knew that a bar was not a good place, it was domestic, not foreign.

Those people are too stupid!

Also, what kind of bad luck did she have today!

In the morning, I pretended to go to the doctor, and when I left the school gate, I met a black driver, called Jiang Shixun, and found that there was a fox who was thinking carefully, so I went to find Tang Yulan, and even met Xue Bingqing to do something!

Now that it's getting dark, she just wanted to use her mental power to find someone, but she just released her mental power, and she bumped into someone messing around.

It sucks!

Although she had encountered this kind of thing in the last days and abroad, it would be disgusting even if she saw it!

Too hot eyes!

Jiang Zhiying's face was gloomy, ready to wait for Xiao Rin to finish the call.

Anyway, she didn't dare to release her mental power now.

Who knows if there will be some messed up pictures?

Xiao Rin quickly finished the phone call, and when she turned her head, she saw Jiang Zhiying's stinky face, looking very unhappy.

He couldn't help but be a little curious: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jiang Zhiying refused to tell the truth, it was disgusting.

However, she was afraid that Xiao Rin would be too heartless, so she still skillfully made an excuse for herself, "I just think that someone is hiding behind my back and plotting against me, I'm very upset."

She used to hide in the dark!

Xiao Rin didn't see that she was lying, so she just believed it. He was also very upset when he thought that someone was hiding in the dark and plotting against Jiang Zhiying.

But Jiang Zhiying was angry, he didn't dare to say anything to stimulate her, so he comforted her: "Okay, I already know her position, let's go now."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed her hand and pulled her forward.

It's as proficient as it has been done many times.

Jiang Zhiying was angry and didn't think much about it.

Anyway, Xiao Rin hadn't established a relationship with anyone yet, so she didn't need to avoid suspicion so early.

There are quite a few bars here, and if you look around, you can see several.

Perhaps because the weather is still cold, there are not many people on the street, after all, no one is so stupid to stand outside and blow the cold wind.

The two walked all the way, but no one stopped them.

Jiang Zhiying looked around calmly.

This is a habit she has cultivated in the last days. No matter where she goes, she will first find out the situation first, so as not to accidentally step on the pit and capsize in the gutter.

After walking for a while, Xiao Rin brought Jiang Zhiying to the door of a bar and took her in.

At the door stood two tall and thin young men, wearing black woolen coats and black leather shoes, at first glance they looked very stylish.

The two of them were obviously stunned when they saw Xiao Rin and Jiang Zhiying.

They look amazing!

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