80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1106 The little ancestor who is not easy to serve

Hearing the sound, the colorful-faced man saw that it was the man drinking beside him who was laughing.

He was a little unhappy, but before he had time to speak, the man turned on the mocking mode: "You guys have a lot of tricks! Stop acting, I won't be fooled, hurry up and don't disturb me drinking."

Only then did the handsome man know that this man took Xue Bingqing as a trustee he found, and thought he was a liar!

His anger rose immediately.

Since he got the brand, he has not only made a lot of money recently, but everything has been going smoothly.

This person is good, and he doesn't know what troubles he has encountered. He is drinking boringly here alone.

He saw that this man was pitiful and wanted to help him, so he took the initiative and wanted to sell him a brand.

In the end, this man was a good man, he didn't appreciate it, he actually regarded him as a liar!

Does he look like a liar?

Where in the world is there a liar as handsome as him!

Really blind!

Even if a great opportunity is presented in front of you, it is impossible to seize it.

The flower-faced man thought sarcastically, sneered deliberately, then turned to look at Xue Bingqing: "What's wrong with your baby? Take it down and show it to me."

After speaking, he calmly touched the pendant on his chest, and quickly asked in his heart: [Little Ancestor, can you see what's wrong with her brand? 】

【What about blood? Don't forget the rules! 】

[Little ancestor, don't worry, how could the little one forget this? You see how unsuitable this place is, why don't you put it on the account first, and when you go back, the smaller one will offer it to you. 】

[Okay, but you are on credit, and I want to charge interest. When you go back, you have to offer double. 】

The face-swiping man was so depressed that he was speechless: [...]

Although it is only a few drops of blood, it is not as much blood as a blood donation. But after all, the blood must be doubled, so how could he not care?

As a result, after such a hesitation, his little ancestor became angry: [What? Are you not happy? 】

The face of the man with a face changed greatly with fright, and he quickly nodded and bowed to apologize and beg for mercy: [Little ancestor, don't get me wrong, the little one was just thinking about something, and he was not unhappy. As long as the little ancestors help, the little ones will worship them well after returning, and never dare to neglect the little ancestors! 】

The little ancestor snorted coldly: [Hey, you better do what you say, otherwise I'll see how I deal with you! 】

The handsome man was coaxed again, and finally coaxed the little ancestor.

At this time, Xue Bingqing also took off the necklace around his neck, and carefully handed it to the man with a face. He said cautiously, "Please help me to see if there is something wrong? Why hasn't it responded?"

The flower-faced man also took it carefully, with an unfathomable and particularly solemn look.

In my heart, I was urging: [Little ancestor, take a look, what's wrong with this brand? 】

[Wait, I'll take a look first. 】

As his little ancestor said that, a ray of evil spirit quickly emerged, entangling Xue Bingqing's sign.

Immediately afterwards, it tried to communicate with the "little baby" in the sign: [What's the matter with you? Why didn't you respond to that woman? 】

He didn't want the evil spirit to get entangled, and was quickly assimilated by the evil spirit on Xue Bingqing's brand. Not only that, those evil spirits also turned their backs on customers and spread towards the sign on the face of the man's chest.

The little ancestor of the handsome man was instantly anxious: [What's going on? What do you want to do! 】

However, after exclaiming angrily, it suddenly ushered in an unexpected joy!

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