80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1109 Almost scared shit

When the man with the face was in a hurry, he forgot about the master of disguise.

Fortunately, Xue Bingqing was in a lot of pain at the moment, and had no intention of finding out what was wrong with him.

She found that her nose was really hurting more and more, and she couldn't care about whether there were outsiders next to her. She just wanted to quickly solve the problem and let Xiaokai help her!

So she said quickly: "I...I said! I offended a monster, she must be hurting me!"

Having said that, she looked at the man with a face for help: "Master, you must have a way, right? You can definitely help me, and I can give money! As long as you can help me solve that monster, how much do you want me to give? Money will do!"

As long as the monster Jiang Zhiying is gone, and with Little Cutie's help, she will definitely be able to quickly take down Jiang Shixun and become Mrs. Jiang!

At that time, does she still have to worry about not having the money to pay the bill?

Xue Bingqing also dreamed that her brain was rubbish, and she didn't even think about it. If this "master" was really that powerful, he would not have controlled a rich boss like Jiang Shixun early, just waited for their filial piety. Now, where's the need to go to the bar to sell brands?

She didn't realize that, just after she said that she had offended a monster, the face of the man with a face changed with fright.

Later, she asked the man with the face to help solve the monster, and the man with the face was distorted.

Help the old goblin deal with monsters?

He solves a ghost!

If he has that ability, what brand does he sell? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to those big bosses?

The handsome man was so angry that he scolded Xue Bingqing's ancestors for the eighteenth generation, and then asked eagerly, "What's the matter with the monster you mentioned? Tell me carefully!"

Isn't this old goblin going crazy?

Or, are there really monsters in this world?

No, since there are little cuties, it's not surprising that there are monsters, right?

I just don't know what kind of monster it is and how powerful it is.

The flower-faced man thought nervously, and couldn't help but ask the little ancestor in his heart: [Little ancestor, do you think what the old goblin said is true? Are there really monsters? 】

What he didn't know was that this little ancestor in his mouth was also scared to death!

It was not very old when it died, only 10 years old. Later, for some unknown reason, I came to a strange place with a dark and mysterious owner.

Later, the owner locked it in a small sign and taught it the ability to control evil spirits.

This can make it exciting.

It suffered a lot when it was alive, and has always dreamed of being able to have extraordinary abilities and become as powerful as Superman.

Who knew that he didn't become a superman when he was alive, but after he died, his dream came true!

Although its current ability is still very general, it is far worse than Superman, and it is still locked in a small sign. But the master said that as long as it absorbs enough human blood, it will become stronger and stronger!

Sure enough, the owner was right!

After it assimilated the evil energy on the old goblin brand, it really became more powerful.

However, this old goblin actually offended a monster!

That's a monster!

Must be very scary!

It has not yet become a superman, how can it be a monster's opponent!

The old goblin still wants it to deal with monsters, it's too much!

It just doesn't go!

The flower-faced man didn't know what the little ancestor was thinking. Seeing that it hadn't answered, he became even more flustered, and hurriedly asked again: [Little Ancestor, is there any problem? 】

Little Ancestor snorted: [Let's hear what she has to say first. 】

It's not stupid, so it won't tell this fool that it's scared now!

Man with Flower Face: Hold on, don't let the old goblin know that I'm scared!

Little Ancestor: Hold on, don't let fools know I'm so scared!

Monster Jiang Zhiying: Huh?

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