80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1121 Big Scandal

Jiang Zhiying babbled and spoke quickly: "She prescribed medicine in my dad's office, trying to confuse my dad. The superior becomes Mrs. Jiang, and I can't waste my ability to save her."

She didn't want Xiao Rin to think that she was arbitrarily extracting the vitality of others.

So when I got excited, I sold Jiang Shixun.

Xiao Rin didn't know about this before because Jiang Zhiying didn't say it. Now that I heard her explanation, I understood why Jiang Zhiying wanted to attack that woman.

Thinking of the woman just now, he secretly shook his head and said lightly, "I never doubted you."

Jiang Zhiying snorted immediately.

Never doubted? She doesn't believe it.

In the last days, who was chasing her ass all day long? It made her business go bad.

After thinking about it, she explained: "The woman moved her hands and feet in her brain, leaving a mental attack. Once someone invades her brain, she will be attacked."

Having said this, she smiled coldly, "She is quite cunning, knowing that I will definitely find Bai Qiang's problem, and reading her memory, she specially prepared such a surprise for me. Unfortunately, I was prepared and did not let me She succeeded!"

After speaking, she was also secretly grateful.

When she sneaked to Jiang Shixun's company before, she was worried that the man behind the scenes had prepared a trap, so she didn't attack Bai Qiang directly, for fear that she would have an accident in the company and the company would take the blame.

You must know that when an employee has an accident in the company, no matter when, it must be a big scandal!

What's more, it is only the beginning of 1991, and the reform and opening up has not been long.

If something happened to Bai Qiang in Jiang Shixun's company, coupled with the deliberate inducement and dissemination by a caring person, it is easy for people to think that Jiang Shixun is a black-hearted capitalist who oppresses and bullies employees.

Once this happens, things will get bigger.

Jiang Shixun's company has become bigger and bigger, and the cars and electrical appliances it produces have a very good reputation both at home and abroad.

Nowadays, China is developing steadily, and many foreign car companies and electrical appliance companies have taken a fancy to this big cake.

But this cake has already been taken by Jiang Shixun.

How can those capital who want to enter this market give up?

I'm afraid, many people have already regarded Jiang Shixun's company as a piece of fat, wishing to devour it or destroy it directly!

Therefore, she must be extremely cautious, and she must not be negligent in the slightest, giving the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it!

That person wants to design her, but who is she?

As the devil who everyone shouts at the end of the world, she does not know how many tricks and traps she has encountered, and it has long been commonplace. To her, that person's methods were really just pediatrics.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had so many relatives in this life, the relatives still have their own industries, and the stall is too big, and it is easy to be manipulated.

How could she cast the rat's arms and be tied?

She wrote down what happened this time. For at most seven days, she would plough Long Jing once and find out that disgusting mouse that hides its head and shows its tail!

When Xiao Rin heard Jiang Zhiying's words, he immediately guessed something, so he said directly, "I will find that person as soon as possible."

His space ability is also very convenient for finding people.

When Jiang Zhiying heard this, she glanced at him with satisfaction and raised her eyebrows with a smile: "Are you really going to help me?"

Xiao Rin frowned unhappily: "You don't believe me?"

Even if he didn't care about Jiang Zhiying, he couldn't just ignore it.

What's more, he had already put this girl in his heart.

But she was so good, she actually suspected him!

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