80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1123 The woman in the red dress came from the light

Jiang Zhiying glanced suspiciously at Xiao Rin, although she suspected that she was being tricked, she still went into the space to get some food.

In fact, it's nothing to go out to eat, but she has said that she wants to get Xiao Rin to eat, so it's not good to be lazy.

If you want to show sincerity, you must cook by yourself.

She's used to it anyway, and she has time now.

Considering it was night, Jiang Zhiying made beef noodles in clear soup, which was light in taste and easy to make.

After making the noodles, she returned to the ward and handed it to Xiao Rin like a treasure: "How about a taste!"

The noodle soup smelled very fragrant, and the beef smell was particularly strong. Fortunately, the door of the ward was closed, so I didn't worry about the smell wafting out.

Xiao Rin looked at the freshly cooked noodles, knowing that Jiang Zhiying made them fresh, she smiled with satisfaction, took the bowl and started eating.

Seeing that he was satisfied, Jiang Zhiying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and quickly took out her share, holding a bowl and eating.

After eating the noodles, the two also drank the noodle soup, put the tableware and chopsticks directly into the space, and then washed and prepared to sleep.

While Jiang Zhiying was washing in the space, Xiao Rin teleported directly back to her home, washed clean and changed her clothes before returning to the hospital ward.

Jiang Zhiying came out of the space after washing up, and seeing that Xiao Rin had obviously washed and changed her clothes, she felt a little speechless in her heart.

She couldn't understand what was in Xiao Rin's mind, she had already gone back to wash up, but she didn't sleep comfortably at home, she had to go to the hospital ward to suffer.

Picture what.

But she pursed her lips and didn't dare to say anything more.

Xiao Rin showed kindness, if she chased people out again, wouldn't it look like she was too shameless.

That's all, anyway, Xiao Rin is willing to suffer, so she doesn't care.

Jiang Zhiying went to bed silently.

Xiao Rin glanced at her and fell asleep on the nursing bed next to her.

It's a pity that this nursing bed is a bit short, and his body is not straight, so he can only sleep with his legs curled up, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Jiang Zhiying looked at him and couldn't understand him more and more.

Afraid that she would feel more uncomfortable when she watched too much, she simply closed her eyes, silently sank her mental power into the Shennong space, and began to collect vegetables.

After he was done working, he fell into a deep sleep.


On the other side, in the bar street where the two of them went, Luo Sanshao, who was aroused by his temper, was full of anger.

He excitedly ran into the bar to find the Egyptian beauties mentioned by A Cai, but as a result, he rummaged through the entire bar and did not see the so-called stunners.

He was so angry that he taught Ah Cai a lesson.

In order to appease him, the bar owner introduced several beautiful girls to him, but he was full of the Egyptian beauty that Ah Cai said, and he always felt bored looking at other women.

So he ran to other bars reluctantly, but he went through all the bars and couldn't find the beauty.

This depressed him badly.

Just as he was standing by the roadside smoking a cigar full of anger, he suddenly smelled a tempting fragrance.

Turning his head subconsciously, he saw a woman in a red dress swaying over from a distance.

Luo Sanshao couldn't help but straighten his eyes and stared blankly at the woman, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

I saw the woman getting closer and closer, her red dress was enchanting, her skin was snow-white, and her body was even more slender.

The light illuminated her whole body as if she was glowing, she walked slowly towards Luo Sanshao with a swaying posture, the scent of her body entangled Luo Sanshao, causing him to swallow his saliva involuntarily.

The whole world seemed to have darkened, and only the woman in the red dress who came wearing the light was so dazzling. Just like the enchantress formed by Manzhusha Huahua, it entices the soul.

Luo Sanshao was stunned, the woman slowly walked up to him, her flaming red lips raised, and smiled at him ambiguous: "Sir, you blocked me."

The charming voice completely ignited the fire in Luo Sanshao's heart.

He looked at the woman presumptuously, his eyes swept across her body as if in substance, then reached out his hand and restrained her slender waist domineeringly: "You are very good."

In order to write this woman out, the word count was exceeded again.

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