80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1126 The woman opened her eyes in horror

Jiang Zhiying quickly used her mental power to check the man's memory. After reading it, her expression became more and more disgusting.

This person is from Xiangdao, and his name is Luo Qi. Because he is three, he is called Luo Sanshao. He is not only a wealthy and wealthy young man, but this time he came to Longjing under the banner of investigating the market and investing.

Because people are stupid and have a lot of money, this person was praised by many people as soon as he arrived in Longjing. It's a pity that he is a big spender. He doesn't have the ability to invest in the market. He has a lot of ability to eat, drink and play around in the name of investing in the market in the examination room.

Since he came to Longjing, he has not rarely seen beautiful girls, and often goes to the bar street to search for beauties.

He went to that place again last night, and heard a doorman say that there was an Egyptian-style beauty in the bar, so he was moved, but he searched all over the bar and couldn't find anyone, so he was so angry that he cleaned up the doorman. After a while, I finally stood on the side of the road smoking a cigar and sulking.

At this moment, he saw a lively, swaying beauty, and he was moved on the spot.

So he took the great beauty back to the hotel suite where he had been living, and fought fiercely all night until he fell into a deep sleep.

The memory ends here.

The problem is, in his memory, there is no appearance of the great beauty, not even the appearance of clothes. All the memories of that person were vague, leaving only a deep impression of the beauty of the other person.

Jiang Zhiying knew at a glance that the person Luo Qi was looking for was her, and she was so angry that she slapped the fool in the air. The left and right faces are one each, and they are especially symmetrical!

After two "slaps", Luo Qi's face was swollen with two slap prints, but the others did not wake up.

It wasn't that Jiang Zhiying manipulated him and deliberately made him unable to wake up. It was because he had been harvested so badly that his memory had been erased, and the damage was not minor.

So I couldn't wake up for a while.

Xiao Rin's face became more and more ugly when she saw Jiang Zhiying's hands: "What else did you find?"

He still knew Jiang Zhiying very well, and knew that she would not casually attack an ordinary person. Now that she suddenly gave this person two slaps, she must have done something to annoy her!

This made him feel a little anger in his heart, and his eyes looking at Luo Qi became colder.

Jiang Zhiying pursed her lips coldly, but did not intend to say that Luo Qi was looking for her everywhere last night, which was too embarrassing.

He just said, "This idiot has not been harvested lightly, and his luck has also been plundered a lot. He will not only be sick for a while, but also have bad luck. Don't worry about him, it's important to find that woman first!"

Having said that, she looked at Xiao Rin: "How many times can you teleport? That woman will definitely not stop, she has to find her as soon as possible!"

Xiao Rin gave Luo Qi a cold look, silently taking his appearance in his heart, and planning to find someone to check the details of this person later.

"Then go and have a look at the rest of the place." He looked at Jiang Zhiying, his eyes were obviously a lot warmer, "I still have a lot of powers left, so I can walk through the rest of the places, don't worry."

Jiang Zhiying nodded and took the initiative to hold him: "That's good, let's go."

Xiao Rin immediately pulled her to teleport to the next place.

At the same time, in a villa in Longjing, lying in a large bathtub, a beautiful woman was enjoying the petal bath with her eyes closed.

The gorgeous blood-colored petals floated in the water, and the scented candles not far away burned quietly, emitting a faint fragrance.

Everything is so beautiful that one can't wait to indulge in it.

Suddenly, the woman opened her eyes in horror!

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