80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1133 Jiang Zhiying's domineering food protection

Li Luna was stunned for a moment.

After a while, she realized what Jiang Zhiying wanted to do.

She hesitated for a while, then she gritted her teeth and reported a number.

Jiang Zhiying called immediately.

Because it is an international long distance, you need to transfer first, and it will be slower to get through. Jiang Zhiying waited for a while before finally connecting to the number Li Luna said.

The woman who answered the phone had a nice voice and spoke a foreign language: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Jiang Zhiying happened to be meeting, so she asked straight to the point in a foreign language, "Do you know Li Luna?"

When she used her mental power to attack Li Luna before, she had already obtained part of this woman's memory and naturally knew her name and identity.

The woman on the opposite side didn't speak, and seemed a little stunned. After a while, she asked coldly, "Who are you? What did you do to Luna?"

"It's nothing, she gave me some gifts, and I gave her back." Jiang Zhiying laughed mockingly, "I heard that she has a master, so I'll say hello. That person shouldn't be you, right? Let me Your master is here to answer the phone."

The woman was instantly angry: "You are not qualified..."

Jiang Zhiying interrupted her impatiently: "I said, let your master answer the phone! You'd better let him answer the phone immediately, or you will definitely regret it."

"You lunatic!" The woman yelled angrily, "You wait, but I promise, you will regret it!"

After speaking, he was so angry that he put down the phone, stepped on high heels and rushed to call someone to go.

Hearing this, Li Luna couldn't help but glance at Jiang Zhiying and said hesitantly, "It should be Medusa who just answered the phone. She has a very small heart. You have just offended her, she will not let you go."

Jiang Zhiying looked at her mockingly: "It seems that you have had a lot of fun with her."

At such a time, she still didn't forget to sow discord and put eye drops in front of her.

To say there is no festival, who would believe it?

When she is a fool?

However, whether this person had a holiday with Medusa had nothing to do with her.

Anyway, this Li Luna is definitely going to die.

As for the so-called Medusa, if the woman really dared to come to Longjing to seek revenge on her, then she wouldn't mind sending her on the road!

Seeing that the provocation failed, Li Luna could only shut up silently.

It's just that the waiting time is really hard. She is too nervous and has to find something for herself to do.

So she secretly looked at Xiao Rin again, a little curious about what kind of ability this person has, why the luck is so strong, and even the purple luck, which makes her so jealous!

Xiao Rin noticed her scrutiny, and ignored her, just thought she didn't exist.

Jiang Zhiying was inexplicably angry, as if her belongings had been soiled, making her a little irritable.

So when she thought about it, Li Luna's eyes stinged immediately, and after screaming "ah", she closed her eyes in pain.

Jiang Zhiying fiercely warned: "Take care of your eyeballs, or you won't want them!"

Li Luna shivered with fright and almost vomited blood.

what did she do? Don't you just look at the man?

What a treat to her!

This Jiang Zhiying is too domineering and cruel!

Xiao Rin was a little surprised, and never thought that Jiang Zhiying would do this.

Jiang Zhiying felt guilty for a while, and quickly made an excuse: "Be careful, this woman is practicing the sorcery of harvesting yang and nourishing yin, she must be eyeing you!"

After speaking, I couldn't help but get angry again, so I glared at Xiao Rin: "You are too careless."

Didn't you notice that the woman's eyes were not right? It's up to her to see!

Xiao Rin: "..."

Then the phone rang.

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