80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1170 How could Jiang Zhiying like that kid?

"That's right." Jiang Zhiying said as a matter of course, seeing Xiao Rin's face slightly gloomy, she couldn't help being a little surprised, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Rin said lightly, and asked calmly, "What kind of person is your classmate?"

Jiang Zhiying didn't care, and said casually, "Just a rebellious boy with a middle school illness, he must have been influenced by his family. He is more impulsive and likes to fight with people."

As soon as Xiao Rin heard it, she knew that she had no other intentions for that Meng Xiao.

However, Jiang Zhiying has been in the last days for so many years. She has both ability and wealth. If she can fall in love with a man casually, she will not always be a loner.

What's more, that Meng Xiao was only a high school student. In Jiang Zhiying's eyes, he was probably a childish kid, not a man at all.

How could Jiang Zhiying like that kid?

Xiao Rin thought so, but still couldn't help but said with disgust: "He is already in the third year of high school, so he should not be young. Even if there is a problem with his parents' relationship, he is not a child at such an old age, and he is not a child all day long. Knowing the nonsense, too ignorant."

Jiang Zhiying didn't notice his bad thoughts, but she still complimented Xiao Rin: "He was born in a peaceful era, of course he can't compare with you."

Xiao Rin's lips twitched in an instant, but he still had a bottom line, so he didn't continue arranging, and directly talked about other things.

Not long after the car drove, they came to the Jiang's old house again.

Because of a car accident before, a lot of time was delayed on the road. When they got here, it was already past 12 o'clock.

Coincidentally, as soon as Xiao Rin stopped the car, a car drove over, it was Tang Yulan's car.

As soon as she stopped the car, the rear door opened impatiently, and then Jiang Zhiwen and Jiang Zhiyan rushed out impatiently with their schoolbags on their backs.

Their birthdays are in December, and they are now 13 years old and in junior high school.

However, the brothers went to a foreign language middle school, not the city's No. 1 middle school, so they were not the same school as Jiang Zhiying.

Both the Foreign Language Middle School and Shi No. 1 Middle School have middle and high school departments. Before Jiang Zhiying was going to transfer from Jincheng, the two brothers hoped that she could transfer to the Foreign Language Middle School and share the same school with them.

Jiang Zhiying didn't want to take her two younger brothers with her, and the foreign language middle school they attended was still foreign, so she didn't want to take advantage of outsiders.

So in the end, I went to No. 1 Middle School in the city. This is a public school, but the teachers are still very good, and the teaching level is very high.

She is already in her third year of high school, and now there are only three months left before the college entrance examination. With Jiang Zhiying's grades, she doesn't need to learn anything at all, as long as she stays in school honestly and waits until the college entrance examination is over.

Naturally, there is no need to go to any foreign language school.

Although that school has an international class, you can basically study abroad in this class, but Jiang Zhiying never thought of going abroad to study at all!

If it wasn't for Jiang Shixun and the others, she wouldn't even miss university!

Jiang Zhiwen and Jiang Zhiyan were very happy to see Jiang Zhiying.

"Sister, you are finally back."

"That's right, you must be very unaccustomed to staying outside these days, right?"

"Everyone said let's come to our school, we can still study together at that time."

"City No. 1 Middle School is too far away."

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes at the brothers directly and began to complain unceremoniously.

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