80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1179 Listen, is this human?

Meng Aijun was very dissatisfied.

He suspected that Meng Xiao deliberately told Jiang Zhiying about family affairs, otherwise Jiang Zhiying, an outsider, should not know about their family affairs at all, how could it be possible to target Wang Qiuyu in the first place?

Wang Qiuyu is so good-natured, there is no way this little girl surnamed Jiang has any grudge against her, right?

So it must be Meng Xiao talking nonsense outside and asking his classmates to target Wang Qiuyu.

This bastard!

Meng Aijun glared at Meng Xiao angrily, supporting Wang Qiuyu with one hand and clenching the other into a fist.

He is trying to be patient.

Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin are still here and haven't left, even if he gets angry again, he can't do it in front of two outsiders.

So just be patient.

However, when Jiang Zhiying saw his appearance of domestic violence, she was very upset.

She hates domestic abusers the most.

Since you are angry with her and have the ability to fight her, what kind of ability is it to bully your son and wife?

So she directly sarcastically said, "Uncle Meng, it's your fault. Where did Meng Xiao make trouble? He didn't find a mistress, nor brought his mistress to his wife and children, nor did he have domestic violence. Why did he make trouble?"

These words were literally slapping Meng Aijun in the face. He couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded with a dark face: "I said, I didn't find a mistress! Qiu Yu is Wenying's good sister, not a mistress!"

However, as soon as he said these words, Meng Xiao's eyes instantly turned red, and he stared at him and Wang Qiuyu with hatred, obviously hating them very much.

It's just that he gritted his teeth and never opened his mouth.

It was probably because he was worried about something and didn't want to expose his family scandal, or maybe he was afraid of Meng Aijun.

Jiang Zhiying had no such scruples, and she directly sarcastically said: "She is not your mistress, so you are still with her? Protect her with all your life?

Hey, no wonder they all say that men are deceiving ghosts, they forget their old love when they have a new love. It's so pitiful that my aunt has such a good husband and good sister. "

She also sighed sarcastically.

Meng Aijun was so angry that his eyes almost popped out, but he just kept holding back and didn't dare to do it.

He excitedly defended: "Enough! You little girl doesn't know anything, don't talk nonsense here! Qiu Yu is already very difficult, are you willing to force her to death?

She is a woman, working hard to support two children, working overtime every day until late at night, running business as hard as a man, and enduring all kinds of rumors, do you know how difficult it is for her?

Today, she knew that Wen Ying had a car accident, and she couldn't even eat, so she had to rush to the hospital to see Wen Ying. As a result, she was so weak that she fainted.

After waking up, she insisted on coming to see Wenying. Such a person, how can you bear to slander her? You are a little girl, you have no idea how much she has suffered! "

"So you feel sorry for her?" Jiang Zhiying directly pierced her mind, "You feel that she has a hard life, so you feel sorry for her, so why don't you feel sorry for your wife?"

Meng Aijun frowned displeasedly: "Wenying has a good family background and has never suffered much since she was a child. After graduating from high school, her family arranged a good job for her. Later, we went to sea to do business. She opened a beauty shop and her business has always been good. Compared with Qiu Yu, she lives a prosperous life and has a happy marriage, so she doesn't need anyone else to worry about her."

Listen, is this human?

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes to the sky: "So you mean, does Auntie deserve it?"

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