80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1182 Saving people, cherishing their sins

Wang Qiuyu's thoughts turned sharply, and he kept thinking about how to get out.

She looked at Jiang Zhiying nervously, her pupils shrank when her eyes touched the pink necklace on Jiang Zhiying's hand.

Soon she said, "Sorry, I'm not feeling well, let's go first."

After speaking, he staggered and rushed out immediately, but he didn't want to stay for a while.

Meng Aijun was startled when he saw this, and shouted worriedly, "Autumn Rain!"

He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and said to Meng Xiao, "There's something wrong with your aunt Wang, I'll go see her, lest something happen to her. You are here to guard your mother, and I'll send your aunt Wang back and come back."

After he finished speaking, he walked out quickly without waiting for Meng Xiao to respond.

Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin didn't stop him, they just looked at him mockingly.

As soon as Meng Aijun left, Meng Xiao's face became extremely ugly. He stared at the open ward door, his expression more and more distorted, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Jiang Zhiying simply walked over to close the door of the ward for him, and then said lightly, "I have a medicine here that can wake her up without hurting her body. But the price is a bit expensive, one hundred thousand yuan, Do you want it?"

It is only 1991, and this price is absolutely sky-high for many people in China.

You know, for most ordinary people at this time, it is very rare to have a household of 10,000 yuan, let alone 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, 100,000 yuan is just the price of a medicine, not what is the sky-high price?

Jiang Zhiying didn't feel guilty at all. If her medicine was abroad, the price could be doubled, and the price was 100,000 yuan. Considering that the domestic economy was not good enough, she took the initiative to lower the price.

If it wasn't for the fact that Meng Xiao was a classmate and a good person, she wouldn't be too lazy to swim in this muddy water.

However, after seeing the two wonderful people Meng Aijun and Wang Qiuyu, she was determined to cure Meng Xiao's mother and help her beat those two people in the face!

Meng Xiao's face twisted when he heard the price of 100,000 yuan, but he quickly calmed down and asked eagerly, "My mother will be fine after taking this medicine, right?"

Jiang Zhiying said in a businesslike manner: "She is in very bad physical condition, you should be very clear about this, this medicine is not an elixir, it can only wake her up and heal her injury, but not her body. To restore a healthy body, you will have to take other medicines to recuperate later.”

She has medicine in her hand, which can make Meng Xiao's mother recover instantly. But the effect of that medicine is too strong, she will never give it to outsiders.

As the so-called guilt, all the medicines she has sold over the years have controlled their efficacy, which not only makes people feel that the effect is good, but also does not make people feel too exaggerated, giving birth to the heart of snatch.

After listening to Jiang Zhiying's explanation, Meng Xiao quickly made up his mind: "I bought this medicine, but I don't have that much money on me. When my mother wakes up, she will give you the money."

Jiang Zhiying didn't doubt him either. Anyway, she just helped Meng Xiao's mother wake up, and her physical problems were still very serious. As long as this woman is not a fool, she will not take her account.

"Then I'll give her medicine now."

Jiang Zhiying said, took out a delicate white jade bottle from her handbag and opened it carefully.

This bottle was specially made of suet white jade, and anyone with a discerning eye could see its value at a glance.

She walked to the bedside, gently took off Meng Xiao's mother's oxygen mask, squeezed her mouth open, and poured a pill into her mouth.

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