80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1187 She doesn't want this man anymore

Xiao Wenying now recalls the days of the past year, and only feels a chill in her heart!

She sympathized with Wang Qiuyu's life and helped her get rid of the past and start a new life.

But what about Wang Qiuyu? He actually seduced Meng Aijun shamelessly!

That's all, the big deal is that she divorces Meng Aijun!

Anyway, when the child is older, she also has a business of her own. Even if she leaves Meng Aijun, it is not impossible for her to live.

But Wang Qiuyu is too scary!

That woman didn't even give her a chance to get a divorce, and even wanted to kill her to occupy her property!

Is that human being? Not even a beast!

She just keeps a dog, and the dog also knows to watch her in the home, wag its tail at her.

Wang Qiuyu wants her life!

If she had known that today would come, she would definitely not have run into the water to help Wang Qiuyu's poisonous snake!

Fortunately, she was lucky this time and survived by luck. As long as she lives, Wang Qiuyu doesn't want anything from her.

As for Meng Aijun... Oh, she doesn't want this man anymore!

Since Wang Qiuyu wants it, give it to her!

Xiao Wenying sneered for a while, then suddenly looked at Jiang Zhiying, and said gratefully again: "Jiang, this time is really thanks to you.

Since you can see Wang Qiuyu's problem, I wonder if there is a way to solve her amulet? That brand should not be a good thing, right?

You said just now, I didn't die this time, and Wang Qiuyu would definitely not be reconciled, but she has that kind of evil thing in her hand. If she wants to kill me, wouldn't it be easy?

So I want to ask, what is the solution to this kind of thing? If there is a way, classmate Jiang, please let me know.

Although I'm not really rich, I'm doing a good job in business and I have some savings in my hand. As long as classmate Jiang is willing to help me so that Axiao and I can be safe, I will definitely be grateful! "

Meng Xiao reacted immediately and reminded her: "By the way, Mom, classmate Jiang gave you a medicine just now, and you woke up.

Do you feel any discomfort right now? Classmate Jiang said that the medicine is quite expensive, and it costs 100,000 yuan each. "

Xiao Wenying's face changed slightly. Although she had already thought about it, she must ask Jiang Zhiying for help to save her own and Meng Xiao's lives, but she was still shocked when Meng Xiao said that a medicine cost 100,000 yuan. .

One hundred thousand!

Now many people's wages are only two or three hundred, and they only earn a few thousand yuan a year. One hundred thousand dollars, that's thirty years' salary!

Of course, she must be able to take out the money, but she is too shocked.

Even if her business is doing well, she rarely spends 100,000 yuan at once.

Seeing that her face was not good-looking, Meng Xiao was afraid that she would not give the money, so he quickly explained: "Mom, the doctor said that your injury this time is not serious, especially the head injury, which may cause intracranial hemorrhage.

If you stay awake, you'll have to risk a craniotomy. The risk of this operation is high, but fortunately you wake up and don't need to have another operation. "

Xiao Wenying was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Don't be nervous, I didn't mean that."

She looked at Jiang Zhiying and said, "Student Jiang, thank you very much this time, but it's not very convenient for me to give you the money right now. If you don't, I'll write you an IOU and wait until you leave the hospital. Just go to the bank and transfer the money to you."

Jiang Zhiying said quickly, "It's not urgent, I trust Auntie. In fact, if Auntie is worried about the amulet in Wang Qiuyu's hand, I have a solution."

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