Jiang Zhiying praised Xiao Wenying, and Meng Xiao became complacent: "That's right, my mother has always been smart and capable, unlike that old goblin who would only be shameless as a mistress to seduce men, bah!"

Jiang Zhiying couldn't answer these words. Although she didn't like Wang Qiuyu, she couldn't keep complaining behind her back.

He just said: "She used sorcery to harm people. Now that she has been attacked, the next life will definitely not be easy. It's just... If she wants to recover, she will probably attack your father. You'd better pay more attention."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Xiao's proud face instantly stiffened.

Jiang Zhiying knew at a glance that although he did not have a good relationship with Meng Aijun, he still had feelings for Meng Aijun's father.

She also took this into consideration and deliberately reminded Meng Xiao.

Meng Aijun was his biological father after all. If he was accidentally killed, Meng Xiao would definitely not feel good.

Anyway, she said what she should say. As for what Meng Xiao did next, it was up to him.

She had already reminded that if Meng Aijun was still killed by Wang Qiuyu by then, it would not be her fault.

Meng Xiao clenched the steering wheel of the car tightly, and was silent for a long time before asking, "She will really hurt me...my dad?"

Jiang Zhiying said sarcastically: "Her brand requires her to offer human blood from time to time, although it is her own blood, but once the blood is lost, she will become weak, and she needs to collect - Yang - Supplement - Yin to fill the gap.

Now that she has suffered backlash, her body must have suffered a lot. As long as she wants to live, she must find a way to make up for it. Who else do you think she can find in her current situation? "

Meng Xiao immediately understood.

Others are not stupid, but in the last year, due to the influence of their parents, their grades have dropped a lot.

Now that he heard Jiang Zhiying's straightforward words, what else did he not understand?

Thinking that Wang Qiuyu would attack Meng Aijun, Meng Xiao became entangled, as if he was at war between heaven and man.

Jiang Zhiying didn't embarrass him, and reminded: "You don't need to worry too much, isn't she still awake? Even if you want to start, you have to wait for her to wake up before you can harm people."

But she said that, but she thought about going to the hospital later to get rid of the Wang Qiuyu brand.

Wang Qiuyu was in a coma. Although she couldn't take the initiative to harm others, there were evil spirits and evil spirits in the sign on her body. They would definitely not sit still and strengthen themselves instinctively.

The hospital is also a special place. Not only are there many people, but there are also many patients. It is a very easy place to start!

If someone else died, it would definitely attract attention. But in a place like a hospital, it's normal for dead people to die.

Now that she has encountered them, she can't sit idly by and let them harm others.

Yesterday afternoon, Wang Qiuyu didn't wear that brand. She waited for Wang Qiuyu to take action, so she didn't rush to deal with it.

It's different now.

Jiang Zhiying thought about this, but didn't tell Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao is just an ordinary person, young and uncertain. Knowing this may not be a good thing for him, and maybe it will make him go down the wrong path.

Meng Xiao didn't know what she was thinking. Hearing that Wang Qiuyu could only harm people after he woke up, he was relieved and continued to drive Jiang Zhiying to see the house.

On the way, he still wanted to ask Jiang Zhiying about her master, but how could Jiang Zhiying tell him? It's all messed up.

Before long, they arrived at the first house, an old courtyard house.

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