80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1198 Want Wang Qiuyu's life

Xiao Wenying said polite words on her lips, but her hands were not polite at all, and she put away the jade face cream decisively. After the thrilling experience last night, she was very convinced of Jiang Zhiying's ability now, and she no longer had any doubts.

As a smart person, Xiao Wenying didn't think Jiang Zhiying would use bad things to harm herself. Although I have never heard of this jade face cream, since Jiang Zhiying specially took it out, it must be a good thing!

She put away the jade cream with a smile, greeted Jiang Zhiying warmly to sit down, and took the initiative to talk about the house.

Xiao Wenying was a little embarrassed when she learned that Jiang Zhiying had taken a fancy to the dilapidated courtyard house covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

She took the initiative to say: "Although the location of the courtyard house is okay, it is too broken. I originally wanted to spend money to repair it, but unfortunately I was stumped by something before and I haven't taken the time. If you really like it, you might as well wait for me to repair the house. All right, I'll give it to you."

Jiang Zhiying hurriedly said: "No need, even if the house is broken down, it will be worth millions of dollars. Auntie is willing to transfer it to me. I have already taken advantage of it, how can I make Auntie bother?

Just leave the grooming to me. Auntie might as well take good care of her body and pay more attention to things at home, lest there be villains.

With all due respect, since Wang Qiuyu has the intention of harming others, after this defeat, he will definitely not give up. But she couldn't wake up for the time being. If Auntie really made up her mind, she might as well cut it off as soon as possible. "

She's not being alarmist.

Xiao Wenying and Meng Aijun did not formally divorce in one day, and Meng Aijun had a share of Xiao Wenying's property. Once she died unexpectedly, Meng Aijun would no longer need to divide her property.

When she died, Meng Xiao was in an accident, and the property of their mother and son belonged to Meng Aijun. In the end, wouldn't it be cheaper for Wang Qiuyu?

That's why Jiang Zhiying advised Xiao Wenying to clean up as soon as possible.

As long as she and Meng Aijun are divorced and the property is divided, even if Wang Qiuyu wakes up, he will be powerless to return to heaven.

The two divorced, and even if Xiao Wenying had an accident, her property had nothing to do with Meng Aijun.

As a result, even if Wang Qiuyu is not reconciled, he may not be willing to take risks.

Jiang Zhiying didn't know whether Xiao Wenying would regret it, so she did not directly persuade her to divorce. Anyway, Xiao Wenying was generous, so she reminded her a few more words.

When Xiao Wenying heard her words, she immediately thought of Wang Qiuyu last night. With a cold look in her eyes, she said decisively, "I won't let her succeed!"

After a pause, she worried again: "Student Jiang, do you have a way to destroy the things in Wang Qiuyu's hands? You can't let her hurt people all the time, right? As long as classmate Jiang is willing to help, I will definitely thank you!"

Jiang Zhiying smiled lightly: "I have already done what I should do, and the things in her hands are already useless. But as long as she has the mind, she can naturally come up with other means. I can't kill her, so next, you You and Meng Xiao still have to be careful."

She is not stupid, even if she doesn't care about killing Wang Qiuyu, it is impossible to tell Xiao Wenying and Meng Xiao.

What's more, she really did not intend to kill Wang Qiuyu.

Wang Qiuyu is different from Li Luna. Li Luna is a sorcerer who has harmed many people and committed many murders. Keeping her will only make her continue to do evil.

Coupled with her special status, there is no way to send her to prison openly and aboveboard, that will only cause more trouble.

Jiang Zhiying directly used extraordinary means.

Compared with Li Luna, although Wang Qiuyu is not a good thing, she cannot die in her hands, Jiang Zhiying.

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