80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1200: Deliberate Xiao Rin

Jiang Zhiying was a little speechless, but thinking of Teacher Li's temperament, she suddenly felt that Ruan Yulan might be right!

Speaking of which, this new head teacher really loves his job and is dedicated to his job!

She was slandering when she saw that Teacher Li hurriedly walked into the classroom with a stack of papers in the corner of the corner. That posture, she was about to take a test in the classroom again.

She wasn't afraid of exams, just a little worried.

This teacher Li is so dedicated, she is afraid that he will fall on the job one day.

Sure enough, after Mr. Li walked to the middle of the podium, he quickly slapped the paper and lesson plan in his hand on the lecture table, and then began to urge: "If you want to go to the toilet, hurry up, wait for the test in the classroom, go and come back quickly! Don't go anywhere! Shaking."

When the students heard this, they hurried to the toilet.

For a few days, Jiang Zhiying's senior year reviewing life was so unremarkable.

In the blink of an eye, it's the weekend again.

As high school seniors, they only have one day off on weekends, which is Sunday.

There is no holiday on Saturday, and all have to go to school.

Jiang Zhiying managed to endure the six-day class, but she felt that her whole body was about to be abolished.

She hasn't sat in the classroom honestly for a long time, and now she's really not used to it.

If it wasn't for Jiang Shixun's face, she would even want to drop out of school.

Unfortunately not.

Jiang Shixun is now a big boss anyway. If his daughter dropped out before graduating from high school, how bad would it be to spread the word?

What's more, she was reported by someone not long ago. If she dropped out of school now, wouldn't others think she was guilty and her grades were too bad to read?

When the news spreads, wouldn't it just fall into the crotch with the yellow mud, not shit or shit?

So even if Jiang Zhiying doesn't like it, she has to insist on finishing the next class, take the college entrance examination, and get into a good university.

On Sunday, Jiang Zhiying got up early as usual, and then checked Shennong Space as usual. It's a pity that Shennong Space still has no response, and I don't know what's going on inside.

Jiang Zhiying felt a little uneasy, but she couldn't enter the Shennong space, and she couldn't force it, so she could only wait.

After eating the breakfast delivered by Xiao Rin, Meng Xiao called and asked Jiang Zhiying to meet.

Xiao Rin was there at the time, and when he heard that it was Meng Xiao, his face became a little ugly. When Jiang Zhiying hung up the phone, he immediately asked tentatively, "Is that your classmate again?"

Jiang Zhiying nodded: "His mother said she was going to divorce his father. I don't know what happened now."

This week, Meng Xiao didn't go to school and didn't call her, so she didn't know the situation of Meng Xiao and Xiao Wenying.

But at such a time, the absence of a phone meant that the mother and son were definitely not in any trouble. I just don't know why Meng Xiao is looking for her this time.

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin and said, "He'll pick me up later, so go ahead and do your work first."

She and Xiao Rin are still in the stage of nominal boyfriend and girlfriend, so the two of them don't have any intimate actions in private, but they are just a little closer than usual.

Xiao Rin is indeed a little busy. He started a company and wants to become bigger and stronger, so there are a lot of things to do.

And in addition to security companies and logistics and transportation companies, he also wants to do business in computers, mobile phones and the Internet.

However, when she thought that Meng Xiao would come to Jiang Zhiying later, Xiao Rin felt a little reluctant to leave.

He wanted to see what the hell Meng Xiao was up to!

So he pretended not to hear Jiang Zhiying's words, and asked very deliberately, "I've been in a little trouble recently, can you help me, Zhuzhu?"

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