80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1246 Consequences of being outspoken

Mrs. Chen glanced at the closed door of the ward lightly, and looked at Chen Lisa helplessly: "You really are a child, and your temper is too impatient.

Now I have to use her. When she is discharged from the hospital, it is just a matter of one sentence to deal with her. What's the rush? "

As Mrs. Chen said, she actually felt a little regretful in her heart. This daughter had spoiled her and her husband, and had a very indulgent temperament.

Originally, she didn't think there was anything wrong, but this time, Lisa Chen eagerly took out the female nurse and didn't want to wait for a moment.

Fortunately, the nurse came back late and didn't hear it, otherwise she would spread the word, and their Chen family would be affected.

Wait, did that person really not hear?

Did she really come back late, or did she come back early, heard something and went back on purpose, and waited for a while before coming back?

Thinking of this possibility, Mrs. Chen's face turned a little bad.

Although she also felt that there was something wrong with her daughter and she needed to be taught well.

But if this matter is known to outsiders and affects their family's face, it will be bad!

no! She has to ask carefully later, and she mustn't let the female nurse spread the word outside!

Mrs. Chen thought a lot, but Lisa Chen only thought about teaching the female nurse a lesson. She understood what Mrs. Chen meant, and immediately smiled brightly: "Then mom, you have to complain to the hospital about her, but she is absent from work and lazy during work hours. How can such a nurse take care of the patient? Let the hospital not use her in the future!"

Mrs. Chen was helpless for a while: "It's all right, it's up to you. Don't talk about it, Mom knows it. She should be back later, so be careful to let her hear."

Chen Lisa was confident: "What's wrong with letting her hear? It's just a servant. If she was like this, she was a slave in the past!"

"Lisa!" Mrs. Chen intensified her tone displeasedly. After giving Chen Lisa a warning glance, she quickly walked to the door of the ward, opened the door and glanced out vigilantly. After confirming that no one was outside, she closed it again. Came to the door, walked back to the hospital bed and continued to warn Lisa Chen, "What do you think this place is? Dare to talk nonsense!"

Although now is not the terrifying years before, but Chen Lisa's words are not too harsh. If it spreads out, what will others think of their Chen family in the future?

If there are those people who are not afraid of things and put this matter in the newspapers, the consequences will be even more serious!

What slaves are not slaves? Can these words be said casually? If it is serious, this is the idea of ​​feudal restoration!

How did she give birth to such a silly daughter! Dare to say anything terrible!

Fortunately, there is no one outside, and it is not the past now, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

No, when she goes back, she has to discipline her daughter properly. If you continue to let this child continue to mess around, this child will be out of control!

"Mom!" Lisa Chen was still not convinced, "I'm not wrong!"

"Shut up!" Mrs. Chen interrupted her sharply, she really didn't dare to let her continue.

The female nurse has been out for some time, and it is estimated that it will be back soon. If Chen Lisa is talking nonsense, that person will definitely hear it when he comes back!

Afraid that Chen Lisa would continue to make trouble, Mrs. Chen threatened: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will be deducted from your pocket money for half a year!"

This cost Chen Lisa's life, she was in a hurry: "Mom!"

Mrs. Chen glared at her again warningly: "You still said it!"

Lisa Chen: "..."

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