80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1276 I will never let her go

Jiang Zhiying looked at the movie being played on the projection screen, her eyes widened.

She helped Ruan Yulan and Ruan Aihong just because she was soft-hearted for a while, and it was impossible to pull Jiang Shixun into the water for them.

Some things can't be said too clearly. It's one thing to be clear in your heart, and it's another thing to say it directly.

She used business affairs to force Chen Wenjun because she was the mysterious major shareholder of Pearl Auto and even Pearl Group, and she had this authority herself!

But if she told the Chen family that she was Jiang Shixun's daughter, it would be like pulling Jiang Shixun into the water, and it would even be easy to fall into the ground.

Unless, she tells them the identity of the mysterious major shareholder.

Even Jiang Shixun didn't know that identity, how could she tell the Chen family?

Now, she has done what she needs to do, and the rest depends on the reaction of the Chen family.

If they obediently admit their mistakes, that's all. If they still want to make trouble, she doesn't mind taking a harder shot.

Jiang Zhiying continued to watch the movie, ignoring what Madam Chen thought.

Mrs. Chen was in a very bad mood at this time.

Jiang Zhiying refused to reveal her identity, and she was unwilling to guess Jiang Shixun, so she was always unsure of Jiang Zhiying's identity.

She originally wanted to ask Jiang Zhiying to meet, but she believed that she would be able to tell whether the other party was a human or a ghost.

Anyway, Chen Lisa also said that Jiang Zhiying's age is not very old.

Mrs. Chen is very confident in handling a young girl.

As long as she met, she would definitely be able to figure out who Jiang Zhiying was!

In order to make Jiang Zhiying agree to meet, she even asked Chen Lisa to apologize!

Of course, the so-called apology is just a bait for fishing. If the other party is really close to Jiang Shixun, she will definitely ask her daughter to apologize.

If not, then she will definitely not wrong her daughter.

But she didn't expect that with such great sincerity, the other party would still refuse to take the bait!

That's all, what made Mrs. Chen even more uncomfortable was that the other party actually wanted her and Chen Lisa to apologize to Ruan Aihong, and even return Ruan Aihong's innocence!

Last night, the public security found a watch on Ruan Aihong's body. It can be said that it was stolen and seized. How can I still be innocent?

So what that person meant was clearly to ask them to admit that they had wronged Ruan Aihong!

How does this work!

I really want to admit it, when the news spreads, how can she and her daughter still mix in the upper class circle?

The more Madam Chen thought about it, the more dissatisfied she became, but Lisa Chen was more angry than her.

When she heard Mrs. Chen say that she wanted to apologize to Jiang Zhiying, she was furious. It was only when Mrs. Chen was still on the phone that she endured the attack.

In the end, Jiang Zhiying refused!

Although she didn't hear what Jiang Zhiying said, but looking at Mrs. Chen's face, she knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

The anger that Chen Lisha had been suppressing exploded directly.

"Mom! I will never apologize to her! That slut is just trying to make a mystery. Don't be deceived by her!"

But not wanting to say this, Mrs. Chen yelled at her: "Shut up!"

"Mom?" Lisa Chen looked at Madam Chen in shock and was very hurt, "You actually yell at me!"

"Chen Lisa!" Mrs. Chen said sternly, "What time is it now? Why are you still so headstrong? Do you know how hard your father is doing business outside?"

She had a stern face and cold eyes. When she saw Chen Lisa, she was like a deflated ball. She shrank her neck and didn't dare to lose her temper.

Seeing that she was frightened, Mrs. Chen comforted her: "Don't worry, as long as that little bastard has nothing to do with Jiang Shixun, Mom will never let her go!"

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