80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1306 Goblin and Bastard

Xiao Rin looked at Jiang Zhiying in surprise, her eyes dazed for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal. She asked in surprise, "Have you awakened the power of charm?"

Jiang Zhiying reacted so quickly to him, she couldn't help being a little disappointed, Xiao Rin's reaction was too fast! Is her voice alluring so useless?

She pouted dejectedly, and explained feebly, "No, it's just the extra ability that comes after the spiritual power leveling up."

A very disgusting look.

Xiao Rin's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while: "..."

This girl's mental power has been upgraded, and she has new abilities, but she still dislikes it!

Thinking that he had been cultivating hard these days, in order to be able to improve his strength faster so as to cope with the next crisis, he was injured all over his body, so he increased his strength a little.

She's fine, but...

Xiao Rin just likes Jiang Zhiying in his heart, so he can't help pantothenic acid at this moment.

He said angrily, "Being able to advance and develop new abilities, what else do you have to dislike?"

Seeing that Jiang Zhiying seemed a little angry, her mood suddenly improved a lot. Immediately, she remembered the broken things of the Chen family, and wentssips with Xiao Rin directly.

She briefly explained what happened this afternoon, and then said with emotion: "I tell you, that Chen Wenjun is really not a thing! And that Chen Lisa, who has been spoiled too much."

Xiao Rin had heard her talk about the bad things Chen Lisa had done at noon, and it was not surprising to hear it again at this time.

Just a little curious: "Don't you want to help your poor fellow at the table teach Chen Wenjun a lesson?"

"It's not a lesson." Jiang Zhiying smiled mockingly, "I don't plan to get involved in their affairs, but that Chen Wenjun has already guessed that my identity is not simple, and 80% will start with Ruan Yulan and her mother."

Speaking of this, she laughed even more mockingly, "But I have reminded Ruan Yulan, as long as there are no accidents, she and her mother should take the opportunity to bite a piece of meat from Chen Wenjun, get a house in Longjing, and then buy a house from Chen Wenjun. He has some compensation in his hand.

When they succeed, I will tell Lisa Chen the news of Chen Wenjun's adoption of a lover and an illegitimate child. She has a temperament and impulsive temper. If she knew that Chen Wenjun raised a woman and an illegitimate child outside, she would definitely run and make trouble.

Sun Yuzhu is not a good person either. Now that Chen Wenjun has made such a big business and is worth tens of millions, it is impossible for Sun Yuzhu to divorce him. If she knew that Chen Wenjun had raised a goblin, how could she still be able to sit still?

Ruan Yulan was just a girl, and Aunt Ruan was old and degenerate, so Sun Yuzhu would not take them seriously. The goblin and illegitimate child Chen Wenjun raised outside were different. "

Jiang Zhiying gloated on her face, making Xiao Rin feel helpless.

He asked curiously, "Do you also know that Chen Wenjun raised a goblin and an illegitimate child?"

"Yes, I..." Jiang Zhiying's eyes flashed suddenly when she said this.

Her eyes are now much stronger than before.

When she saw those pictures that heralded the future on Ruan Yulan's face before, she was still a little unsure, so she ran to see Ruan Aihong, and finally saw the picture of her suicide on Ruan Aihong's face.

At that time, she guessed that she probably possessed some kind of ability to foresee the future.

As a result, she saw Chen Wenjun's family in the coffee shop this afternoon, and she suddenly saw Chen Wenjun's face accompanying the goblin and his illegitimate child.

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