80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1308 Swearing Sovereignty

Jiang Zhiying hadn't figured out how to explain it yet, but Xiao Rin continued: "And last time, you suddenly checked my body and learned about my practice with a machine... How did you know?"

Jiang Zhiying: "..." Why do you have such a good memory!

"Well, after I was promoted, I did have a small ability, that is, I can occasionally see some pictures."

Jiang Zhiying briefly explained, and looked straight at Xiao Rin, "I just saw a woman fall into your arms!"

"Impossible!" Xiao Rin quickly denied, "Are you sure you read it right?"

How could he let other women fall into his arms?

Xiao Rin was very dissatisfied with the scene Jiang Zhiying said, and soon he asked again: "What else did you see? The scene you mentioned was in a bar? I haven't been to a bar recently, could it be... what you saw? the future?"

Xiao Rin immediately guessed the truth.

After all, he also came from the end of the world, and he has seen all kinds of abilities, so naturally he can guess it.

"Only...I can only see a little bit occasionally." Jiang Zhiying was modest, and then began to settle accounts with Xiao Rin, "As a result, I saw a woman fall into your arms."

Xiao Rin didn't panic at all, and stared straight at Jiang Zhiying: "Are you sure she poured in?"

He didn't believe that he would let other women fall into his arms. If this happened, he must have avoided it.

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

She felt guilty for a moment before she said the truth: "I didn't finish it before the picture disappeared, and I didn't see the follow-up."

Xiao Rin breathed a sigh of relief in an instant: "..." He knew it!

Then he asked Jiang Zhiying, "Did you notice when that happened? Was it in a bar?"

When Jiang Zhiying heard the words, she couldn't help recalling the scene that flashed by just now, but the more she thought about it, the more depressed she became: "It's in a bar, it looks like you're partying with a group of people, but you don't see the time."

"In this case..." Xiao Rin thought about it and said, "It should be a class reunion. Well, I will pay attention to this matter. If someone really falls into my arms, I will definitely avoid it as soon as possible, okay. right?"

Jiang Zhiying was quite satisfied with this statement, but she couldn't help but snorted: "Can't you not go?"

Xiao Rin: "..."

He was silent for a while, but still said, "Okay, then I won't go there."

When he said this, Jiang Zhiying felt a little uncomfortable. She rolled her eyes and deliberately didn't look at Xiao Rin: "Forget it, I'll accompany you then."

Whether it's a class reunion or a class reunion, she can't really let Xiao Rin go.

So it's better for her to follow along, just to take an oath of sovereignty, lest the little goblin overdo it on Xiao Rin's idea.

Xiao Rin looked at her in surprise: "Are you going too?"

He was a little unhappy, Jiang Zhiying was so beautiful, if she really went, she didn't know how many bees and butterflies she would attract.

Jiang Zhiying didn't want to continue discussing this with him, so she picked up her schoolbag and left: "I'm going to class, see you in the evening."

Xiao Rin sighed helplessly when she saw her running quickly with her schoolbag in hand.

Immediately, I couldn't help but wonder: Could this girl be shy?

Thinking of this possibility, the reluctance in Xiao Rin's heart suddenly disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, it was the weekend.

On Saturday, Xiao Rin suddenly received an invitation.

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