80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1318 Seeing Zheng Borong's Future

The picture just flashed away very fast, so Jiang Zhiying didn't see much.

But she was shaken a lot.

Because in the picture just now, she actually saw...

Jiang Zhiying glanced at Zheng Borong with complex eyes, and in shock, she also showed some pity.

Xiao Rin noticed that she was looking at Zheng Borong, and she was a little concerned. She quietly poked Jiang Zhiying with her hand, and asked her through voice transmission, "What do you think Zheng Borong is doing?"

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

Why does she think this is sour?

Xiao Rin took the wrong medicine?

She glanced at Xiao Rin in surprise, but explained it through voice transmission: "I saw something on him just now, and it's inconvenient to say it now, I'll tell you when I go back."

To be honest, she was still shocked at this moment.

She guessed before that because her strength is not high, she can only see what has happened or is about to happen in the short term.

But what she saw from Zheng Borong just now broke this guess.

Although the picture was only fleeting, she still saw that Zheng Bairong was wearing a thick black woolen coat and a red knitted scarf.

This kind of dress is not the dress of this season.

Now whoever wears it like this will have to die from the heat.

Unless you are mentally ill, you deliberately stay in the air-conditioned room, turn on the air-conditioning temperature low, and wear thick clothes.

Who would be so full at such a time?

What's more, the picture she saw just now was not indoors.

But not on top of a mountain somewhere.

So I ruled out Zheng Borong playing on a cold mountaintop somewhere.

The background in the picture just now was a certain street, but unfortunately the picture disappeared too quickly, and there was no special mark in the background, Jiang Zhiying couldn't tell where it was for a while.

Although her memory is good, it is impossible to memorize all the streets of Longjing. What's more, what she saw might not necessarily be Longjing, but possibly other places.

In short, there are too many possible places, and the information that can be seen in that picture is very limited, and Jiang Zhiying is not a Tianyan system, how can she recognize it?

However, the scene just now was too shocking, and it was impossible for Jiang Zhiying to ignore it.

Because in the picture just now, she saw Zheng Borong being...

Thinking of that shocking scene, Jiang Zhiying couldn't help but glance at Zheng Borong again.

Although she and this person have only just met, there is no friendship at all. But watching a big living person who knew him suddenly die in front of his eyes, who can be indifferent?

If it wasn't for Jiang Zhiying's strong heart, she would have screamed in horror the moment she saw the scene.

But Jiang Zhiying grew up in the apocalypse after all, so her heart's ability to bear is not comparable to that of ordinary people?

Her mood was complicated for a while, and she quickly tasted the food with a big appetite.

Although Xiao Rin would pack a fresh meal for her every day, Jiang Zhiying did not lack these foods.

However, these meals from Yipinxian are really delicious. Jiang Zhiying feels that even if she eats it for a lifetime, she will not dislike it!

The others were also eagerly eating their dishes, sighing as they ate.

"I've heard that Yipinxian's dishes are delicious, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious!"

"That's right, the food here is so delicious. I always thought our school's canteen was very good, but I didn't expect Yipinxian's food to be so good!"

Zheng Borong heard everyone's praise for the good dishes, and smiled excitedly: "I'll tell you a secret!"

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