80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1320 Moral kidnapping

Everyone was stunned, and some couldn't react: "What? Why is it unusual?"

Zheng Borong immediately said again: "They are a couple!"

This is too straightforward. When everyone hears it, what else is there to understand?

It's not a secret at all.

It's just that few of the students present had access to Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan, so they didn't know about it.

For them, a big boss like Jiang Shixun is too far away, how can he know his private affairs?

Some people were directly envious: "Then they are too powerful, right? One established the Pearl Group and the other opened a chain restaurant. They are really capable!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Lin snorted coldly: "If you want to say it is powerful, the boss of the Pearl Group is more powerful.

Compared with him, his wife is too far behind. It's just to open a restaurant. As long as there is money, who can't open a restaurant? "

Zheng Borong looked at her in disapproval: "Fang Lin, are you okay? Look at what you said, you can do it. Is Yipinxian an ordinary restaurant? Do you know how good the business is here?"

"What's wrong with Yipinxian's good business? As long as you have money, are you afraid that the restaurant business won't get better?"

Fang Lin looked at him disdainfully, "Zheng Borong, you think too highly of the boss of Yipinxian. As long as you have money, what secret recipe can't you buy? What good cook can't you hire?

With good recipes and chefs, can the dishes be made any worse? So what am I saying wrong?

Yipinxian can do so well, in the final analysis, it is because the boss of the Pearl Group is rich enough, not because of how powerful the boss of Yipinxian is.

Besides, Yipinxian is just a restaurant in the final analysis. No matter how good the food tastes, its contribution to society is limited.

If I had so much money to invest in scientific research, I don’t know how many people I would benefit from the research results I made.

With that much money to wrap a restaurant like this, it's putting the cart before the horse at the end of the day. "

She spoke righteous words, which sounded reasonable at first glance, and quickly stunned the students present, looking at her in surprise, with a sense of admiration in her heart.

Although Fang Lin's attitude was a bit arrogant, her remarks just now were indeed too big!

In comparison, although Yipinxian’s dishes are very delicious, it is really just a restaurant in the end. Compared with scientific research projects, the layout is too small.

For a time, everyone looked at Fang Lin in admiration, and even Zheng Borong was speechless.

Jiang Zhiying laughed angrily.

She looked at Fang Lin coldly, and asked rudely, "Sister Fang Lin, in your eyes, shouldn't the owner of Yipinxian open a restaurant?"

Fang Lin frowned: "I didn't say that, I just thought that a restaurant owner is just a capitalist after all, so there's no need to hold it too high."

"So that's how it is." Jiang Zhiying nodded with a look of sudden realization, and suddenly said, "Sister Fang Lin's clothes are so pretty today, isn't it a foreign brand?"

Fang Lin's face suddenly stiffened.

But Jiang Zhiying continued: "I remember that this brand is quite expensive. If the clothes that Senior Sister Fang Lin is wearing are not fake, this outfit will add up to 2,000 yuan."

Fang Lin was dissatisfied: "So what?"

Jiang Zhiying's eyes were even colder: "Sister Fang Lin just said righteously that if you have money, you should invest in scientific research, which really makes me admire.

But Senior Sister Fang Lin spends so much money on clothes, doesn't she think it's too extravagant? "

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