80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1338 Suspected that he is evil

Jiang Zhiying has never been soft-hearted towards the enemy.

Her mental power penetrated directly into Huang Fugui's mind, leaving him a powerful spiritual hint.

So when Huang Xueqing pretended to sneer for a while, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Why is Huang Fugui not responding at all?

She looked suspiciously at Huang Fugui, who was sitting opposite, and suddenly found that Huang Fugui was sitting stiffly, staring straight at him, as if he was in the middle of evil.

Huang Xueqing was so frightened that her eyes widened instantly. Fortunately, her psychology was strong enough, so she was not sent away on the spot by Huang Fugui's appearance!

Huang Xueqing stood up vigilantly, retreated behind the sofa, and asked tentatively, "Fugui, what's the matter with you?"

Huang Fugui did not respond.

Huang Xueqing was even more frightened. She took a few steps back, walked to the table, and tried to speak again: "Fugui? Don't pretend to be like this to scare me!"

Huang Fugui still did not respond.

Huang Xueqing was completely panicked, walked over to pick up the big brother on the table, and quickly dialed.

Only halfway through, she hesitated again.

The first thing she wanted to find was Jin Hongcai, but she suddenly remembered something terrible! She remembered that Jin Hongcai was very superstitious. If this man knew that her brother had fallen into evil, he would definitely not come here!

Although she could find an excuse to deceive Jin Hongcai, if Jin Hongcai found out that he had been fooled, how could he let her go?

When the time comes, let's not say that I will continue to support her and let her live a good life, and maybe I will take revenge on her!

No, she can't let Jin Hongcai know about this.

Have to think of another way.

what can we do about it?

Huang Xueqing looked at Huang Fugui worriedly, but saw that he seemed to have returned to normal, and looked at her puzzled: "Sister, what are you doing?"

Huang Xueqing was so frightened that she instinctively grasped the big brother in her hand, and stared at him vigilantly: "Fugui, what happened to you just now?"

"What happened just now?" Huang Fugui was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "I was thinking about something just now, what's wrong?"

Huang Xueqing was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at him in disbelief: "You were thinking about something just now? Are you sure?"

Obviously it's the evil!

Huang Xueqing couldn't believe Huang Fugui's words at all. She still felt scared when she recalled what Huang Fugui looked like just now!

Huang Fugui was also a little scared by her suspicious eyes, and couldn't help shrinking back on the sofa: "Sister, why are you looking at me like this? I was really thinking about something just now!"

Huang Xueqing still couldn't believe it, she asked cautiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Huang Fugui shrank his neck: "I... I'm just thinking about my brother-in-law and the family. That person said everything in Yipinxian, and even put mouse medicine in the wine, even if the old man really died. , Yipinxian was not affected much, right?"

Huang Xueqing squinted her eyes, of course she knew that the old man didn't die in Yipinxianli in front of everyone, and their plan was largely abolished.

But it doesn't matter, she can make up for it.

Anyway, that old man is definitely going to die. Once he is dead, if she finds someone to spread some rumors, it will always ruin Yipinxian's business!

Huang Xueqing was already thinking about it in her heart, but she was worried that Huang Fugui was in trouble, so she didn't tell him this, she just asked him suspiciously: "I just called you, why didn't you respond at all?"

Huang Fugui couldn't see the problem at all: "Isn't this thinking that things are too fascinated?"

Huang Xueqing scrutinized him for a long time, and was about to open her mouth when she suddenly heard the sound of the door opening from outside.

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