80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1343 Someone reported

Bodyguard A just heard Jin Hongcai's roar, but before he could react, he heard the person on the opposite side ask, "Is it Jin Hongcai cursing? We have something to ask him."

This time, bodyguard A can't lie if he wants to lie. He can only ask cautiously: "Did you come because our boss was injured?"

"He was injured?" Although the person on the other side was asking, there was no surprise on his face. He obviously already knew about it. He asked again, "Are you going to report the crime?"

Bodyguard A was instantly stunned: "???"

how? These few notes are not for the boss's injury?

What are they here to do?

Bodyguard A suddenly thought of something, instantly became vigilant, and glanced out subconsciously, looking for an escape route.

Seeing this, several police officers who were blocking the door immediately moved forward and blocked the door of the ward tightly, so that the people inside had no chance to escape.

Bodyguard A is not stupid. As soon as he saw this battle, he guessed the big deal!

These gangs are clearly bad comers!

Madd, who the hell reported them?

Bodyguard A is still suspicious, but the police outside is no longer polite: "Please let me go! We have something to do with Boss Jin."

Bodyguard A hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to resist. He honestly stepped aside, thinking that he would find a chance to run out later when he saw that the situation was not good.

It's a pity that the police didn't give him this chance at all.

There were six police officers who came, four went in, and the remaining two guards stayed outside.

This is more than that. Among the four people who entered, another person closed the door with his backhand and directly guarded the door.

Their operation directly made bodyguard A and bodyguard B nervous, their eyes rolled around, and it was obvious that there was a ghost in their hearts.

A police officer said: "Please sit down here, don't move around and cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

As soon as the two bodyguards heard this, was it worth it?

more nervous!

Jin Hongcai, who was lying on the bed, was also forced by Gao Meng, but he was not so nervous.

As a big boss who came from Xiangcheng to invest here, he is still very confident.

There is a backstage, it is so arrogant.

However, Jin Hongcai is very dissatisfied, what are these smugglers doing here? Did you hear that he was beaten and came to investigate?

But he is still waiting to clean up the Huang family's sister and brother, how can he have the time to deal with them!

Mad, it hurts to death!

What is the doctor doing here? Don't know how to give him painkillers?

No wonder poor and backward!

No, he has to go back to Xiangcheng, the medical level here is definitely not good, he has to go back to Xiangcheng for treatment.

Otherwise, if he was cured and disabled, wouldn't he regret to die?

Thinking of this, Jin Hongcai was in no mood to deal with the few police officers who came in.

His tone was arrogant, with a strong condescension and impatience: "Huang Fugui beat me for this injury. You can just arrest him. I'm in a lot of pain now, and I don't want to say anything more!"

The three police officers looked at each other with strange expressions.

Afterwards, the headed police officer said, "Mr. Jin, we are here because someone reported that you used extraordinary means to forcibly take over the land for the Royal Banquet. Do you have anything to say?"

Jin Hongcai instantly stiffened: "!!!"

The first thing that came to his mind was: Who stepped on the horse and reported Lao Tzu?

Then I thought: What do these snipers mean? Do you still want to check him? He is from the Eagle Country!

Thinking of his nationality, Jin Hongcai immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

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