80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1347 The culprit

Jin Hongcai didn't know about the arrest of the two bodyguards. He was about to get angry when a police officer walked in.

He was in charge of guarding Jin Hongcai. Something happened outside just now. He went out for a while and only came back now.

However, in order not to attract the attention of other patients in the hospital, he specifically did not wear a uniform and wore plain clothes.

So when he came in, Jin Hongcai didn't recognize him.

Jin Hongcai was very vigilant.

He looked suspiciously at the police who walked in, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Who are you? Who let you in? What do you want to do?"

The plainclothes the police are wearing do not look like hospital staff.

Jin Hongcai thought he came in to steal something.

He originally wore a gold watch, a gold ring with gemstones on his fingers, and a gold necklace around his neck.

It looks like a rich guy.

Can Jin Hongcai not worry?

The plainclothes looked at him speechlessly, walked over to the hospital bed, took out the ID card from the inner pocket of his clothes and put it in front of him: "Jin Hongcai, watch it, I'm the police!"

Jin Hongcai stared at it carefully, and quickly panicked. He pulled the "silver bracelet" on his right wrist and asked, "You handcuffed me? What are you trying to do? I warn you, I...I But Ying Nation! I...I want to see a lawyer!"

Plain clothes sneered: "Don't worry, just because you have done so many bad things, even if you find more lawyers, it will be useless!"

After Jin Hongcai revealed that he was in a coma, they immediately searched all Jin Hongcai's residences in Longjing and found evidence that he was hiding drugs.

The two bodyguards were also taken back, and both of them had already explained.

Jin Hongcai is now a stinky salted fish, never think about turning over again!

With those crimes, even if he is from the Eagle Country, don't even think about getting away with it!

Hearing the plainclothes' sneer, Jin Hongcai's expression suddenly changed, and he had a very bad premonition.

How could this be?

How did he get caught?

Could it be true this time?

No, no, he doesn't believe it! Mr. Zhao will definitely save him!

Yes, yes, he can't panic, he still has Mr. Zhao!

Jin Hongcai kept comforting himself in his heart, he didn't even know that when he exposed himself before, he also exposed the dirty things he did for Zhao Yunlong!

It's just that those things happened in Xiangcheng, and Zhao Yunlong was also in Xiangcheng. Unless he went to the inland to commit the crime, the public security here really had nothing to do with him.

What's more, he can completely put everything on Jin Hongcai's head.

Don't look at Jin Hongcai showing off his power in front of Huang Fugui, in fact, he himself is just a horse boy under Zhao Yunlong.

Those dirty things were all in the hands of Jin Hongcai, and Zhao Yunlong didn't do anything.

Unless Jin Hongcai can produce a recording or a personal letter from Zhao Yunlong to prove that Zhao Yunlong asked him to do those things, Zhao Yunlong can completely dismiss it.

At this moment, Jin Hongcai didn't remember what he had revealed, and he was eagerly waiting for Zhao Yunlong to save him. Little did he know that he himself was the fish lying on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

On the other side, Jiang Zhiying leaned comfortably on the soft fabric sofa and ate ice cream happily.

Huang Fugui injured his waist and was lying in the hospital.

Jin Hongcai broke two legs and one arm and became a dead fish.

For the rest of Huang Xueqing, I'm afraid I don't have the heart to calculate Yipinxian.

She reported Jin Hongcai, causing Zhao Yunlong to suffer heavy losses, and that man would definitely not let her go.

Now, Zhao Yunlong is the only culprit left.

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