80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1349 Accidental Discovery

When Xiao Rin saw the note, Jiang Zhiying was still on her way to the airport.

She didn't drive this time, she took a taxi to the airport.

But before getting into the car, she specially disguised herself as a man.

And the destination she told the driver was not the airport gate, but the nearby commercial street.

After getting off the bus at the commercial street, she immediately left the commercial street and went to a remote place with no one, and then used the invisibility charm, and then walked to the airport and waited for the plane.

This time, she was going to kill people, so she must act cautiously, and she must not be seen by anyone, who would associate Zhao Yunlong's death with her.

In order to be secretive enough, Jiang Zhiying didn't even buy a plane ticket, so she concealed her plane.

But she didn't plan to prostitute for free, and planned to buy first class the next time she took the plane.

She got on the plane at more than nine o'clock in the evening, and it was already midnight when she arrived at Xiangcheng Airport.

Jiang Zhiying got off the plane in stealth, found a nearby place where no one was around, and entered the space. After changing her clothes, she came out of the space again.

This time, she changed into a teenager's dress, and her face was adjusted a little, which was completely different from the original appearance.

Even with her previous photos to compare, it is impossible to tell that they are the same person.

Jiang Zhiying was quite satisfied with her new appearance, and then she was going to find Zhao Yunlong.

She not only wants to get rid of the scourge of Zhao Yunlong, but also destroys his illegal businesses!

After more than two hours, Jiang Zhiying finally arrived at the mid-level villa where Zhao Yunlong lived.

It was almost three in the morning, Jiang Zhiying guessed that Zhao Yunlong should rest at home at this time.

So she sneaked in stealthily, planning to attack Huanglong!

The Zhao family's mid-mountain villa is very large, and the decoration inside is also very luxurious. But it is not the aesthetic of the local tyrant Jin like Jin Hongcai, it is much more elegant.

There are also two big dogs in the courtyard of the villa, which are the more aggressive Doberman pinschers.

They were lying in the small house. As soon as Jiang Zhiying approached, the two dogs immediately stood up and looked at her fiercely.

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

These two dogs are too alert!

She was clearly hidden, and there was almost no footsteps when she walked, but they were still discovered by them!

Seriously, don't you know when to sleep in the middle of the night?

Afraid that the two dogs would suddenly bark, Jiang Zhiying decisively put them to sleep.

Then he used a wind-fighting technique and entered the villa directly.

There were some night lights on in the villa, and it looked like everyone inside was asleep. After Jiang Zhiying sneaked in, she quietly released her mental power to find Zhao Yunlong.

The result was not found!

Jiang Zhiying's face changed in surprise, did she find the wrong place?

She used her mental power to search the entire villa again, and it didn't take long before she found a large photo hanging inside.

It was a wedding photo of a handsome man in a black suit and a beautiful woman in a snow-white wedding dress.

The two snuggled together and looked very loving.

The most important thing is that the man in the photo is clearly Zhao Yunlong!

When Jiang Zhiying checked Jin Hongcai's memory, she saw Zhao Yunlong's appearance in his memory. Although Zhao Yunlong in Jin Hongcai's memory is already old and not as young as in the photo, his appearance has not changed.

He is still so handsome and elegant, and personable, like a modest gentleman.

But thinking of the things he did, Jiang Zhiying wanted to roll her eyes.

Sure enough, he knows the face but not the heart, this Zhao Yunlong is too good at pretending!

However, at this time he is not at home, where is he?

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