80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1352 He must be jealous of you

Jiang Zhiying gave the boy a cold look.

The young man shrank his neck in fright, and he didn't forget to continue the fire: "I'm not wrong, didn't you just scold him?"

At this moment, a fat man with a wretched appearance came over panting, his fat finger wearing a gold ring pointed at the boy arrogantly: "Why didn't you run away? Weren't you proud just now?"

Jiang Zhiying gleefully looked at the young man with teasing eyes: Yes, why didn't you run away?

Who would have thought that this kid would hide behind her and said cheekily, "Brother, they bullied me!"

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes speechlessly: Who is your brother? Don't recognize relatives, stinky boy, okay?

She was about to let go of the boy and stay out of it, but when she let go, the boy actually grabbed her with a backhand: "Brother, be careful, they are not good people! This dead fat man is a pervert, he likes men! It's you, brother!"

Jiang Zhiying was about to be blessed by his coquettish manipulation!

Boy can do it!

She used to cheat others, but it wasn't enough for this kid to cheat her once, and he actually wanted to continue cheating her!

Kind enough!

However, before she could speak, the dead fat man opposite suddenly sneered with disgust: "Don't talk nonsense, brat! Your brother is so ugly, I won't like him!"

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

she is ugly?

Well, in order not to attract attention, she disguised herself as a public face. It belongs to the kind of face that you can't find when you walk into a crowd.

But even for the public, it wouldn't be ugly, would it?

She is fine again!

How dare this fat bastard call her ugly!

Blind eyes!

Jiang Zhiying narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the dead fat man opposite her with unhappy eyes.

Fatty Fatty noticed her unhappiness, raised his chin in dissatisfaction, glared at her and said, "What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I will dig out your eyeballs!"

Jiang Zhiying laughed angrily: "Okay, hurry up and dig."

Fatty Fatty: "..." Could he have suffered from a mental illness?

His eyes flickered, and he glanced at Jiang Zhiying with some fear, and suddenly said to the two big men next to him: "Come here and pull this ugly monster away, I don't want to see him again, it's really annoying!"

Dahan Yi wanted to clean up Jiang Zhiying for a long time, when he heard the words, he immediately asked Ying: "Let me come!"

After speaking, he pressed his fingers arrogantly, walked to Jiang Zhiying, and stretched out his big hand to grab her.

Jiang Zhiying didn't want him to touch her, so she just lifted her foot and kicked him away.


Big Han Yi screamed and flew backwards.

It really flew upside down, just like the picture in the movie, the big man Yi's sturdy body flew up!

This scene directly frightened the big Hanjia, the dead fat man, and the handsome boy who was acting like a slapstick.

The teenager looked at Jiang Zhiying in horror: "How can you be so strong?"

Fatty Fatty and Han Jia immediately pricked up their ears and looked at Jiang Zhiying vigilantly.

Before Jiang Zhiying could speak, Fatty Dead suddenly said, "I'll give you five thousand a month, how about you be my bodyguard?"

Although this kid looks a little ugly, but for the sake of his ability, he is willing to endure it!

The young man panicked when he heard this, for fear that Jiang Zhiying was going to join forces with the dead fat man, and hurriedly said, "Don't trust him, he must be greedy for you! He wants to fool you around and attack you!"

The dead fat man was unhappy: "Who is greedy for his body? I am greedy for your body!"

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