80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1366 Opening the mouth is Wang Zhai

When Yun Feng thought that his wife was returning to the light, he couldn't care less, only panic and helplessness remained.

He looked at his wife nervously, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

What can you say at such a time?

Do you have to ask "Are you returning to the light"?

Yun Feng felt bitter in his heart, and finally decided to follow his wife's wishes. She can laugh if she wants, it's all about this time, it's always good for her to be happy.

Zhao Yunlong also guessed that the old lady was returning to the light, and he was secretly happy, thinking that Yun Yu hadn't come yet, and he was a little anxious.

The old woman is back to the light now, can she still support Yuer to come to the hospital?

Although when she died, the old man would definitely follow her, but if Yu'er didn't come to the hospital in time to take her for the last ride, things would not be perfect after all.

Zhao Yunlong was thinking about his plan, so he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Zhiying, a stranger.

Who knew that Jiang Zhiying had just walked to the hospital bed and asked with a smile: "Grandma Jiang, I don't think your body is very good. I have a life-saving medicine here. Would you like to try it?"

Of course she did it on purpose.

It was obvious that she could give the old lady some life without knowing it, but she wanted to say it so that Zhao Yunlong could hear it.

Sure enough, when Zhao Yunlong heard this, his face changed suddenly: "What life-saving medicine? What are you doing here? Do you know what happened to the old lady's body? You dare to let her take medicine indiscriminately?"

His tone was very stern, if Xu Ning's coward was here, he would have shrunk into a quail with fright.

Jiang Zhiying was not afraid of him.

She looked at Zhao Yunlong without showing weakness, and opened her mouth to say Wang Zhan: "Why is Mr. Zhao so angry? Don't you want Grandma Jiang to survive?"

Zhao Yunlong was so angry that his face was ashen!

Although he really thought so, but he was not stupid, how could he allow Jiang Zhiying to pierce his mind?

"I think you're a liar at all. It's fake to come here to visit the old lady, and it's real to want to harm people!"

Zhao Yunlong gave a loud shout, strode forward to Jiang Zhiying, reached out and grabbed her, "Tell me! Who the hell sent you here!"

How could Jiang Zhiying let him be caught?

She took out a sewing needle and hit Zhao Yunlong on it!

Zhao Yunlong fell to the ground in an instant, unable to make a sound, he could only stare at Jiang Zhiying with his eyes.

He was terrified at this time, his eyes were trembling.

No matter how high-ranking and powerful he was, Jiang Zhiying was holding him back at this time, his body was limp, he was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move, and he couldn't speak for help, so he could only be slaughtered.

In addition to panic, what can he do?

Zhao Yunlong regretted to death.

He shouldn't be here.

Having noticed the sudden unease long ago, he should be more vigilant, instead of coming to the hospital alone to send the old woman on the road!

But damn, who the hell is this boy!

How could he be so great?

Could it be that the martial arts in martial arts novels are all true?

how is this possible!

Who is this man! Why do you want to go against him!

Zhao Yunlong originally suspected that it was Yun Feng who set him up, but looking at Yun Feng's stupid eyes that were about to fall out, what else could he not understand?

Looking at Yun Xiyue again, she is also shocked and shocked, and she must not know it in advance.

The old woman is even more impossible.

She has been lingering on the bed for a long time, and she is so weak that she can't even speak a few words. How can she find such a terrible master?

Even if she really has the ability, she doesn't need to arrange this behind Yun Feng's back, she can completely leave it to Yun Feng to arrange.

So where did this guy come from?

Did he find it by himself?

Or was it his opponents who came specifically to deal with him?

Zhao Yunlong's thoughts turned sharply, and he kept guessing about Jiang Zhiying's identity. However, even if he was killed, he couldn't figure out that Jiang Zhiying would come here simply because his people went to Longjing to open a restaurant, and in order to grab business, they calculated Yipinxian.

If he knew the truth was like this, Zhao Yunlong would probably die of anger!

At this time, the extremely shocked Yun Feng finally found his voice: "You... Who are you?"

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