80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1374 Completely different style of painting

The leopard was so shocked that his pupils trembled!

The touch of the thing on the lower back was too familiar, so familiar that he immediately guessed what it was.

That's the muzzle!

Mad, his men dared to draw a gun at him, and pointed it at him!

The leopard was furious and shocked.

You know, the people he brought this time are all absolute confidants! It stands to reason that these people are all carefully selected by him, after watching them for a long time, there is absolutely no possibility of problems.

Who knew the slap in the face could come so quickly!

Who would dare to shoot him?

Leopard wanted to look back, but he was a little hesitant because he was worried that the other party would shoot. But he was so angry that in the end anger prevailed over reason.

He turned his head.

Then he was even more shocked: "Erhu? What's the matter with you!"

Erhu is his own younger brother, and now he has a gun at him!

Leopard looked at his brother in disbelief, but saw Erhu didn't react, just looked at him indifferently. It was as if he was not looking at his own brother, but a stranger.

Leopard frowned fiercely, and suddenly felt that Erhu's situation was not right.

Why does he look like he is evil?

He just thought of this when he suddenly heard a "boom"!

It's the sound of gunfire with a silencer!

Who shot?

The leopard was feeling shocked when he suddenly realized something. He lowered his head in horror, and sure enough, he saw a hole in his waist, and blood was constantly flowing out.

He raised his eyes again and looked at Erhu in disbelief. However, Erhu suddenly widened his eyes, and then fell down.

"Two tigers!"

Leopard subconsciously went to help his younger brother, but there was a sudden sharp pain in his waist, causing him to bend his knees and kneel on one knee on the ground.

He was still holding Erhu in his hand, but Erhu was too big. He couldn't hold the 180-pound weight, so he could only let Erhu lie on the ground.

Then he quickly took out his gun and aimed to shoot where Jiang Zhiying had just stood.

Who would have guessed that the place was empty and Jiang Zhiying was gone!

Leopard's heart shook, and he hurried to find it.

Soon, he found Jiang Zhiying, was horrified to find that she was not far from him, and fired several shots!

The gun in his hand was also fitted with a silencer, so the gunshots weren't as loud.

Leopard was terrified, bullets kept shooting out, and his mind was full of killing Jiang Zhiying.

He didn't realize it, just when he shot, Yun Yu was looking at him in horror.

Yun Yu wanted to scream, but was strangled by someone's neck and couldn't scream at all. He could only watch Leopard shoot at Zhou Ruyun in horror.

Then, like crazy, he shot at the men he brought.

Even more frightening, those people seem to be crazy too.

For a time, there were only a lot of gunshots left in the ward.

Bullets flew everywhere, quickly turning this upscale, high-end VVIP ward into rubble.

Yun Feng flew on his wife for the first time, trying to use his body to block bullets for her.

Yun Xiyue also woke up from the confusion, and hid under the hospital bed with her head in her arms.

The two bodyguards of the Yun family also reacted very quickly, immediately grabbing the person who controlled them, grabbing the guns from the two of them, and then grabbing the two as human shields.

Soon, the dense gunfire stopped.

The magazine was empty, and Leopard and his men fell to the ground.

The chaos came suddenly and ended absurdly.

The people in the ward were either seriously injured or scared out of their minds. Only Jiang Zhiying stood calmly, and her painting style was completely different from the others.

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