80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1396 What have you done to me?

Young Master Bai's attitude is quite arrogant.

Jiang Zhiying stood behind the driver, and at a glance, she could see that the driver was so nervous that her whole body was tense.

Obviously, the identity of this young master is not simple. Although the driver is from Yun Feng, he is very jealous of him.

Jiang Zhiying didn't want to embarrass the poor driver, so she said, "You stand back, since he's here to find me, let me come and meet him."

Her identity is fake anyway. After meeting the old lady and getting paid, she will be able to fly back to Longjing.

Even if he offends this young master Bai, this person can't find her.

But this driver is different. He is from Xiangcheng, and he has to continue to seek a life in Xiangcheng in the future. He really wants to offend people, and his situation will be difficult in the future.

The driver obviously didn't want to confront Bai Shao either. Hearing Jiang Zhiying's words, his body suddenly loosened, and then he obediently retreated behind Jiang Zhiying.

Jiang Zhiying raised her eyes to look at Shao Bai, who was quite tall, afraid that he was already over 1.9 meters. And judging from his face, this person is probably still a mixed race.

Even if he wears sunglasses, you can see that he is not ugly, even handsome.

Jiang Zhiying looked at him generously, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "What do you want to do when you come to me?"

Bai Shao is also laughing, and his smile is presumptuous: "I heard that you are a little capable. Why don't you do the math? What am I looking for you for?"

The smile on Jiang Zhiying's face faded instantly, and her face sank: "Is this your attitude to ask for help?"

"Who said I came to beg you?" Bai Shao's face changed greatly, his expression was a little fierce, and he took out a gun from his body and aimed the muzzle at Jiang Zhiying, "Why don't you guess, I'm coming today What are you looking for?"

Jiang Zhiying glanced at the gun in his hand disdainfully, and sneered: "Your old man has lived for so long, hasn't he lived enough?"

This time, Bai Shao's face became extremely ugly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

He snorted loudly, raised his sunglasses with his hands, and looked at Jiang Zhiying with cold eyes. He lifted the gun in his hand even further, and the muzzle was about to hit Jiang Zhiying's forehead.

But he didn't want to, his gun was only half way up, and the gun in his hand suddenly became hot! It's like a red-hot soldering iron that can burn people's skin.

The sudden burning pain caught Bai Shao by surprise.


He screamed and exclaimed, his palms instinctively loosened, and the gun fell to the ground with a "pop".

Jiang Zhiying looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, stepped forward and stepped on the gun, knowingly asked, "What's wrong with Young Master Bai? Could it be because of a serious illness? Why can't you hold the gun steady?"

Bai Shao's left hand grabbed his right wrist, and there was still a strong burning pain in the palm of his right hand.

He looked at Jiang Zhiying in horror, with anger in his fear, but he didn't dare to be as arrogant and domineering as before.

He asked in horror: "You... what did you do to me?"

Jiang Zhiying smiled and pretended to be stupid: "What does Bai Shao mean? I haven't met you, what can I do to you?"

Of course she wouldn't admit this kind of unbelievable thing.

The more unpredictable it is like this, the more the other party will be afraid of her and will not dare to do it easily.

She is not afraid of this young master Bai and the people behind him, but the old lady of the Yun family is her great-grandmother. These people have suffered losses from her, and they have to start with the Yun family.

She doesn't take care of this person now, does she have to wait for him to take care of the Yun family before taking care of him?

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