80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1399 The jade bracelet, the hard-working girl

Yun Feng's mouth was polite, but he took the jade bracelet that Jiang Zhiying took out with both hands without hesitation, and held it tightly, for fear that Jiang Zhiying would go back on it.

Jiang Zhiying pretended not to see his small movements, and said lightly, "Put it on for her. With this bracelet nourishing her body, she will feel much more comfortable."

Hearing this, Yun Feng quickly turned back to the hospital bed, pulled up the old lady's right wrist, and put the jade bracelet on her thin wrist.

Although Jiang Zhiying had already treated her, her body was too old, and her thin body could not be plumped up, so she could only take care of her slowly.

However, with this spirit gathering bracelet, the aura will continue to nourish the old lady's body, making her gradually better.

The old lady smiled and watched Yun Feng put the jade bracelet on herself. She didn't know whether it was because of the psychological effect, or the effect of the jade bracelet was too good. She just felt that the jade bracelet was just worn on her hand, and a refreshing coolness spread throughout her body. , made her relax a lot, and even her aching head felt a lot more comfortable.

She seemed to have had a long and bizarre dream these two days.

In the dream, she grew up from an ignorant child. Because of the old family concept, she couldn't go to a new school like other girls, and could only stay at home every day to learn embroidery and settle accounts.

When she was fifteen years old, she married the only young master of the Jiang family, but that man didn't like her.

Her in-laws also disliked her not being able to hold her husband's heart, and even stimulated her husband to go abroad and complained to her quite a bit.

She went back to her parents' home to complain to her parents and wanted to get a divorce, but her parents scolded her badly and forbid her to divorce, otherwise they would not recognize her as a daughter.

She had no choice but to go back to her mother-in-law's house to continue living.

Fortunately, although her parents-in-law complained a lot about her, she was not as conservative as her parents' family. There were many books in her husband's study, and she could read them casually.

So she used those books to pass the time, trying to see what the world looked like in her husband's eyes.

After reading those books, she realized that she was really a frog at the bottom of the well and didn't understand anything. No wonder her husband didn't like her.

At that time, she really understood her husband and felt that she was not good enough, so he didn't like it.

So she studied more attentively, eagerly learning those new knowledge and understanding that brand new world.

After learning more, she gradually gained confidence and began to write letters to her husband.

After the letter was sent, she waited day and night for her husband's reply. Because of the long distance, she waited for more than a month before finally receiving a reply from her husband.

He complimented her in his heart, saying that it was right for her to study hard, and let her keep it up and learn more about the outside world.

She was so excited at the time that she even had a crazy idea - she wanted to go abroad to find her husband and accompany him to study abroad!

She told her in-laws and they agreed, but just as she was about to leave, the doctor found out that she was pregnant.

Being pregnant, it is naturally impossible to travel long distances to study abroad. She can only stay in the country to give birth and wait for the child to be born safely.

A few months later, she nearly lost half her life and finally gave birth to the child.

It will be a year later when she regains her health. At that time, her son was only one year old, just a toddler, and began to call her "A-Niang" in a milky voice.

How could she leave him and go abroad to find a husband?

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