80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 211 Falling into the water

Du Chunjuan's tone was very bad, making Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan extraordinarily speechless.

Jiang Shixun was a man, so he was too lazy to bother with her about such trivial matters, but Tang Yulan couldn't bear it.

She stared at Du Chunjuan dissatisfiedly: "What's your attitude? Are you not worried about your husband's disappearance?"

Du Chunjuan didn't like Tang Yulan because she was forced by Zhou Yong to apologize to Tang Yulan when she was in the restaurant before, and she kept holding back her anger.

When Zhou Yong was there before, she didn't dare to go too far. Now that Zhou Yong is gone, how could she be willing to endure it any longer?

I can't believe that these two dared to sue Zhou Yong.

She and Zhou Yong are just a couple, and outsiders are always outsiders. She couldn't believe it, Zhou Yong really valued the two outsiders more than her wife!

Du Chunjuan looked around and found that Zhou Yong was not nearby, and immediately scolded Tang Yulan: "What's wrong with my attitude? What is your attitude? You said that you don't have a man, so why do you care about my man? Where is my man and what does it matter to you? thing?"

Tang Yulan was so angry that she wanted to give her two big ears!

This Du Chunjuan's mouth is too dirty!

She scolded Zhuzhu as a loser before, but she hasn't bothered with this woman yet, and now she's here again!

Tang Yulan rolled up her sleeves and walked towards Du Chunjuan aggressively: "Who cares about your man? You are murdering my man, I can't tell you anymore, can I?"

She is taller than Du Chunjuan and fatter than Du Chunjuan.

Du Chunjuan's stature is not particularly short, but she is definitely petite among normal people, and she is thin and has no imposing manner compared to Tang Yulan.

Seeing Tang Yulan walking towards her aggressively, she persuaded, stared at Tang Yulan vigilantly, and kept stepping back: "You... what do you want to do? Do you still want to beat people? Don't think that Zhou Yong is not here, you You can bully me!

I... let me tell you, my Zhou Yong is very good at fighting! You... if you dare to bully me, Zhou... Zhou Yong will definitely not let you go! "

There was a lake behind her. Tang Yulan saw that she had been retreating towards the lake. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to trouble her any more. She hurriedly said, "Hurry up and stop! Don't retreat!"

Unexpectedly, when Du Chunjuan heard this, she thought she was threatening, and immediately took a big step back in anger, but she stepped on the air and fell into the lake.

She screamed in horror, "Ah—"


Du Chunjuan fell into the water with huge splashes.

Tang Yulan almost wanted to scold people: "What's wrong with her? She was told not to retreat, but she actually retreated back on purpose! Brother Jiang, what should I do now? Should I go down and save her?"

She didn't want Jiang Shixun to go down!

A person who falls into the water will hug him as long as he catches something. If Jiang Shixun goes down to save her, he will definitely be hugged by her. Tang Yulan felt uncomfortable just thinking about that kind of painting.

Jiang Shixun didn't want to go down either. He comforted Tang Yulan: "It's okay, the water is not deep. As long as you stand up straight, it will probably reach her neck."

Tang Yulan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then ran to the river and shouted loudly, "Du Chunjuan, stand up quickly, the water is not deep!"

What she didn't know, however, was that Du Chunjuan was just a landslide, and she didn't know water at all.

As soon as she fell into the water, she was scared to death, her calf cramped, and she kept thrashing in the water. The lake water kept pouring into her ears, nose and mouth, how could she still hear Tang Yulan's words?

"Help... help!"

"Hurry up...googoo...save me!"

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