80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 279 The idea of ​​hitting Xiao Rin

Xiao Rin took Jiang Zhiying to his nearest secret base.

It was a small mountain col, not far from the cowshed, and there were quite a few wild jasmine flowers. The thin branches of the jasmine flower hang down, and the golden flowers are dotted on it, which looks like a waterfall.

Not only is it beautiful, but it also blocks the view.

Hiding inside and doing something secretly, you don't have to worry about being discovered.

People in the village are used to seeing the spring flowers, and no one is uncommon. Everyone is busy with their work, even children, they don't come to see them specially.

Xiao Rin pulled away the branches with her hands, took Jiang Zhiying in, and proudly showed off to her: "How about this place, isn't it a good place?"

Jiang Zhiying glanced at the spring flowers, nodded with satisfaction, and said sourly, "You are quite good at finding places."

Xiao Rin smiled proudly, took out the egg and began to peel it.

While peeling it, he said bluntly, "Do you still have strawberries there? Give me a plate. It's too dry to eat eggs alone."

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

Hey, this kid is really not polite at all!

But forget it, she still expects this kid to help her make farm tools, and she doesn't know if this kid will be able to.

For the farm tools, Jiang Zhiying generously took out a plate of washed strawberries and handed it to Xiao Rin.

Xiao Rin looked at it and asked her again, "Do you have a stool?"

He didn't want to sit on the ground.

"As much as you ask for!"

Jiang Zhiying took out two small chairs angrily, gave him one of them, and then sat on one herself.

It's one of those IKEA-style plastic kids chairs that look simple and stylish, but sit pretty well.

Jiang Zhiying is probably used to living a hard life since she was a child, so that she has developed a good character of saving and not wasting (super stingy), and she is reluctant to miss good things when she encounters them.

So relying on the large space, it is to close up when you see a good thing, and then find a safe base to shoot.

It's just for safety, and the survivors in the base are very stingy. She doesn't sell many goods every time, and many goods are not very easy to sell.

For things like fabrics, basically no one buys them, because they are very busy. The survivors prefer finished clothes, bed sheets and quilts, etc. Where can I buy fabrics and process them myself?

This kind of small chair is not very easy to sell, so Jiang Zhiying only sold part of it, and there were some left unsold. She was reluctant to throw it away, so she left it in the space.

Originally, I wanted to take it slow, but who knew that I had not had time to sell out the goods, so I came here.

Fortunately, the materials in her space are all there, and she got the Shennong space after arriving here. Otherwise, if she wanted to improve her taste, she would have to use her supernatural powers to produce fruits and vegetables.

How tiring.

Jiang Zhiying thought about the pile of supplies in the space, and thought again.

Unfortunately, now is not a good time to ship, we can only talk about it later.

However, those fabrics can be used. Otherwise, it has been backlogged in space, what a waste?

When she went to the department store yesterday, she discovered that there are fabrics in the store, but they need cloth tickets, and the styles are still very few.

Buying clothes also requires cloth tickets, and the price is not low, so Jiang Shixun wanted to buy clothes for Tang Yulan and her, but Tang Yulan refused to let them. In the end, she only bought a suit for Jiang Shian, and the rest were the fabrics she bought.

This can save a lot of money.

Jiang Zhiying thought for a while, and decided to find some time to talk to Jiang Shixun about the fabric.

The fabrics she stocked up were much prettier than the ones in the store.

There are also many styles, and the clothes will definitely look good!

Thinking of this, she glanced at Xiao Rin's obviously ill-fitting old clothes, and made up his mind again.

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