80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

422 Decided to give him a chance

Jiang Shiyun forced himself not to look at Lu Changlin who was outside the window, but felt extremely uncomfortable.

She and Lu Changlin have been married for many years, and she never imagined that they would separate under such circumstances.

Soon the train started and slowly drove into the distance, Jiang Shiyun suddenly heard Lu Changlin shouting from the window: "Ayun! You must be well, I will work hard to make money to heal you! Trust me, we don't give up! Everything! It'll be all right!"

Jiang Shiyun couldn't bear it any longer when he heard this, and hurriedly rushed to the window, sticking out his head and looking deeply at Lu Changlin.

Lu Changlin kept chasing the train, and when he saw her, he waved at her vigorously: "Ayun, you must trust me, I won't give up!"

He knew what Jiang Shiyun was worried about, but he would never leave her and marry someone else.

Even if Jiang Shiyun will leave scars, even if those scars can never be cured, he will never despise her.

They have supported each other for so many years, and the difficult days have come over. It makes no sense that now the days are better, they have to separate.

Jiang Shiyun burst into tears: "Don't chase, I believe in you!"

If Lu Changlin is really unwilling to give up, she certainly has no reason to give up!

Gradually, the train got faster and faster, and Lu Changlin couldn't catch up any longer, and it soon turned into a small black spot.

Jiang Shiyun kept lying on the window, until she could not see Lu Changlin at all, then she returned to sitting on the soft bed, looking a little lost, obviously reluctant to bear Lu Changlin.

Jiang Shixun comforted her: "If eldest sister can't bear him, let him come over when your injury is healed."

Jiang Shiyun was silent for a while, and finally shook his head: "I still can't, I want to give him a chance to go back.

This separation is good, it just makes us all calm down and think about the next road. "

Lu Changlin's family background is actually quite good, but in order to be with her, he wrote a letter to cut off the relationship with the family.

Of course, it is only on the surface, so as not to drag down the family.

After all, her composition is bad.

Naturally, the Lu family had a lot of opinions on her. So when she knew she couldn't give birth, her mother-in-law sent her a letter, hoping that she would divorce Lu Changlin and stop dragging him down.

She was disheartened at the time, so she mentioned divorce to Lu Changlin, but Lu Changlin did not agree.

He also quarreled with his family over this matter.

It can be said that apart from Lu Changlin being a little cold a few days ago, he also got close to Zhao Lingzhi. Over the years, he has never been sorry for her, and it can even be said that he has been kind to her with all his heart.

She couldn't give birth in the first place, but now she is like this, destined to leave permanent scars, and she will be ugly in the future, how can she bear to continue to drag Lu Changlin?

So, give him a chance. Perhaps after they had been separated for a long time, Lu Changlin would change his mind.

In that case, she was willing to set him free.

Jiang Shixun guessed her plan, frowned, and didn't say much.

He didn't know if Jiang Zhiying's ability could help Jiang Shiyun remove the scar, of course he didn't dare to make rhetoric. Otherwise, when the time comes to fail, wouldn't Jiang Shiyun be even more uncomfortable?

He thought about it, and simply found some happy topics to help Jiang Shiyun divert her attention, lest she keep thinking about Lu Changlin and feel uncomfortable.

Four days passed in a flash, and before they knew it, they returned to Hongxing Village.

It was the first time for Jiang Shiyun to come here. Seeing this strange and peaceful little village, she widened her eyes curiously.

Is this where she will live in the future?

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