Xiao Aiguo looked at Xiao Hong displeased: "Why are you crying? Grandpa is busy, stop making trouble!"

He didn't actually use this name before, but Xiao Quan. Later, he was worried that someone would make a fuss about the word "quan", so he changed his name to Xiao Aiguo.

Not only him, but the children below have also changed their names.

When he was in Hongxing Village before, he and his lover were sent to the lower levels and had different identities. No matter how much dissatisfaction there is in his heart, he can only endure it.

No matter what time, he looks kind and gentle, like a good old man.

Now that he was rehabilitated and returned to Longjing, Xiao Aiguo was relieved. Although he didn't dare to jump too much, he didn't want to be as peaceful as before.

Especially recently because of the house, he is really full of fire, how can he still be a "good guy"?

Who knew they were busy, Xiao Hong and Xiao Rin were still making trouble, it was so annoying!

Thinking of this, Xiao Aiguo couldn't help but look at Xiao Rin and frowned when he saw that he was standing there quietly and didn't move.

For some reason, he always felt that Xiao Rin was not the same as before.

When did it start?

"Grandpa—" Xiao Hong really cried this time. He was frightened to cry by Xiao Aiguo, and he was also aggrieved. He couldn't understand, obviously he was the grandson of grandpa, why didn't grandpa help him and insisted on staying With Xiao Rin that little wild species!

What's so good about that little wild seed, can't he drive him out?

Mom said that all the money in the family belongs to him, so don't plant flowers for Xiaoye.

His grandparents' house is also his, so don't give it to Xiaoye!

The more Xiao Hong thought about it, the more wronged he became, so he cried even louder.

When he cried, all the neighbors around ran out to watch the fun, and those who lived in the Xiao family's house were all embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Why did the child cry like this?"

"What are you bullying children for?"

"It's such a small child, what a sin."

Hearing the neighbors' condemnation, the tenants couldn't help it for a moment.

Someone retorted excitedly: "We didn't do anything, he cried himself!"

With the first person taking the lead, the rest also refuted.

"That's right, we didn't make him cry. What's it to us if he's crying here? I still want to cry. Now that we live in a good house, we're actually asked to move out. Is there any reason?"

"Don't look at me, it was the kid who bullied him that made him cry."

Someone pointed at Xiao Rin and said.

This time, the neighbors who came out to watch the excitement all looked at Xiao Rin in surprise.

Xiao Rin stood blankly, looking at Xiao Aiguo and Grandma Xiao.

He wanted to see what they would do.

Grandma Xiao was burying her head in coaxing Xiao Hong and didn't notice Xiao Rin. Xiao Aiguo noticed it. He found Xiao Rin's eyes, and his brows furrowed even tighter.

After a while, he waved to Xiao Rin: "Xiao Rin, come here."

Xiao Rin walked over obediently: "Grandpa."

Xiao Aiguo smiled and said, "Look, Xiaohong was provoked to cry. You are your elder brother. Let your younger brother apologize to him and tell him not to cry, okay?"

Xiao Rin looked at him directly: "But I didn't bully him."

Just now, Xiao Hong was clearly fake crying, but he was frightened by Xiao Aiguo, so he really cried, how could he be made to apologize?

Although Xiao Aiguo had long known that Xiao Aiguo was partial to Xiao Hong, his own grandson, Xiao Rin was still a little disappointed.

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