80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 515 Jiang Shixun VS Xiao Aiguo

When other people watching the excitement heard that they were going to find someone, many people followed.

So, a group of people headed for Jiang's house in a mighty manner.

The people along the road were amazed and thought something big had happened.

The Jiang family was not too far away, so after walking for a while, he arrived at the place unknowingly.

On the way, Xiao Aiguo also heard about the strange story of the Jiang family getting their house back. Hearing that there was a tenant, Aunt Jin, who helped persuade other tenants to move out, he and Du Yue'e felt bad about it.

Their house was also occupied, but let alone those tenants who moved out or even helped, they were still tied together, but they refused to move!

It made them busy for three days, and they didn't say anything about the progress. Today, they made a big fool because of Xiao Rin!

However, Xiao Aiguo and Du Yue'e were in a better mood when they saw the old and rotten wooden door of the Jiang family's old house.

The Jiang family only had this set of old houses, unlike them, they had brought back three sets, which were much stronger than the Jiang family.

And the Jiang family's house is too dilapidated, it can't compare with theirs.

Thinking of the Jiang family's business, the old couple couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune, and were secretly smug.

Xiao Aiguo used to be in business, but the business was not as big as the Jiang family. Later, Jiang Fuguo donated all his family's energy, but he didn't.

The result now? What is left of the Jiang family? Just an old dilapidated house.

Which is like him? He persisted until the end, and although he suffered some crimes, he managed to keep three houses, and now they are all back.

The current Jiang family can't compare with him.

Xiao Aiguo knocked on the door himself, and soon Jiang Shixun's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

Xiao Aiguo immediately said: "It's Jiang Zhiqing, it's me, Xiao Aiguo, I have something to come to you."

Jiang Shixun was a little surprised, but he still opened the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, he saw a lot of people standing outside, at least twenty or thirty!

Xiao Aiguo and Xiao Rin were at the head, Du Yue'e was at the back, and she was pulling a little boy with eyes.

Jiang Shixun looked at them puzzled, and finally asked Xiao Aiguo: "It turned out to be Comrade Xiao, I don't know why Comrade Xiao came here to..."

Xiao Aiguo sighed immediately: "That's right, this kid wants to go back to Jincheng to find his biological parents, but how far is Jincheng from here, we just came back, this body really can't stand the long journey.

I heard Captain Tang say that you are going back, so I wanted to ask if you can take this child back and let him find his biological parents when you leave. "

Jiang Shixun's eyes flashed, and he quickly asked, "This is no problem, but Xiao Rin is a child, if there is no adult to help him, how can he find his biological parents by himself?"

He had guessed Xiao Aiguo's meaning to some extent. This old man probably disliked Xiao Rin, so he threw Xiao Rin to him first.

He doesn't mind taking Xiao Rin back, but how will Xiao Rin live after returning home? What is Xiao Aiguo's plan?

These must be asked clearly.

He couldn't take the child back foolishly. The latter child directly became his responsibility. If something happened, Xiao Aiguo would jump out to trouble him.

Xiao Aiguo's face changed slightly, and he sighed again soon: "I want to help him find his biological parents, but my body... Hey, I suffered a big crime before, and my body really can't stand the toss."

He kept sighing, but he didn't say specific arrangements.

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