80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 558 Sudden Awakening

Back in the room and sitting on the bed, Jiang Zhiying only felt relieved.

So she waved her small hand at Xiao Rin, signaling him to leave quickly.

Xiao Rin glanced at her helplessly and quickly left.

Next door is Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan's room, now is obviously not a good time to talk.

As soon as he left, Jiang Zhiying immediately took off her small shoes and lay down. She put on the quilt and sighed comfortably: She's really exhausted, she can finally sleep.

She slept until dawn, and then Jiang Zhiying was woken up by Tang Yulan: "Zhuzhu, it's time to get up to eat, why are you still sleeping?"

She opened her eyes and looked at Tang Yulan pitifully: "Mom, I'm so sleepy, I'll eat after a while."

It was almost one o'clock in the morning when I returned to the room last night, and now it is about seven o'clock, and she still hasn't slept enough.

Tang Yulan was a little surprised, and quickly reached out and touched Jiang Zhiying's forehead to see if she was sick: "Zhuzhu, are you feeling well now?"

Jiang Zhiying shook her head softly: "No, I'm so sleepy and want to sleep."

Tang Yulan touched again, but she couldn't find out that she had a fever, so she had to continue sleeping.

"Then you sleep a little longer. Mom will keep the food for you, and you will come out when you wake up."


Seeing Tang Yulan walking out, Jiang Zhiying simply closed her eyes and resumed her sleep. When I woke up again, it was past nine in the morning.

She put on her shoes and went out, and found that only Tang Yulan was at home, and she was sitting in front of the sewing machine making clothes.

Seeing Jiang Zhiying, Tang Yulan immediately stood up: "Zhuzhu, are you awake? Are you starving? Mom saved you something to eat, so I'll go and warm it up for you."

Jiang Zhiying replied obediently, ran to wash her face and brush her teeth, and then had breakfast.

She asked curiously, "Mom, why are you the only one at home? What about the others?"

Tang Yulan smiled: "your dad is busy, your uncle is out to school, and your two aunts are also busy."

The barefoot doctor in the village, Wang Xiuxiu, went to other places, so that there is no barefoot doctor in their village now. A few days ago, a child had a bad stomach from eating, and the condition of vomiting and diarrhea was very serious. The parents were so anxious that they were afraid that it would be too late to go to the town hospital, so they asked Jiang Shiyun to take a look.

Jiang Shiyun gave the child first aid, and later he was sent to the hospital to hang water, and he was soon fine.

So since then, she has officially become the barefoot doctor in the village. Most of the time, she stays in the village clinic, that is, at the brigade headquarters. Tang Xinghua and Chen Jianshe set up a room specially for the barefoot doctor. inside.

There are some simple medicines in it, but the quantity is very small. However, after Jiang Shiyun became a barefoot doctor, he went to the city to buy some western medicine tablets, gauze, iodine, purple potion, etc., as well as some Chinese herbal medicines, just in case.

The small bathroom was cleaned up by her, and it seemed that it was better than before.

Now she and Jiang Shiyi are there, and when Jiang Shiyi is okay, she will fight for her.

So now in their family, only Tang Yulan, who is pregnant, and Jiang Zhiying, who is too young to start school, are the most idle.

As soon as Jiang Zhiying heard that they were all busy, she was not interested soon, so after eating, she made an excuse to run back to the room, and went to work in the space alone.

At this time, in the city hospital, Mr. Zhou, who had been in a coma, suddenly woke up.

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