80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 562 The big happy event in Hongxing Village

A month is not too long or too short.

Not only did Mr. Zhou's body get better and better with the naked eye, but Mrs. Zhou's injuries also recovered.

When the doctors and nurses met, they were all surprised and said that Mrs. Zhou had recovered too quickly, better than her peers of her age.

The Zhou family was naturally very happy, and they all suspected that Dr. Sun's medicine had an effect, and thanked him a lot.

Dr. Sun was very modest, and only said that the effect of the ginseng used this time was too good, and it had little to do with him. If it weren't for the quality of ginseng, even if he dispensed medicine, the effect would not be so good.

After the Zhou family heard it, they thanked Jiang Shixun even more.

So after Mrs. Zhou was discharged from the hospital and returned home, Zhou Yong went to Hongxing Village again.

He had been there once a month ago, that time to give money to Jiang Shixun. The quality of the ginseng given by Jiang Shixun was very good, and Dr. Sun gave an estimate of 5,000 yuan according to the market price.

In fact, this price can be said to be low, after all, such ginseng is already a treasure. If you meet those rich people, you will be willing to pay no matter how high the price is.

But the market price is like this, and besides, the Zhou family is not the kind of family with good money, so he didn't dare to overestimate the family, because he was afraid that the Zhou family would have a burden in their hearts.

At that time, after Zhou Yong told his family, he put together 5,000 yuan and gave it to Jiang Shixun.

Now that a month has passed, seeing the efficacy of the medicine is so good, the Zhou family is a little uneasy, so they pieced together another thousand yuan and asked Zhou Yong to send it.

They all felt that they were taking advantage of it, but they couldn't take out any more money. These thousands of dollars were all they tried to piece together, and they also borrowed a lot from relatives and friends.

Zhou Yong drove Huzi to Hongxing Village, but as soon as he entered the village, he found that Hongxing Village was a little different. Everyone I met on the road was cheering, as if something good had happened.

Zhou Yong was very curious and couldn't help but ask a villager: "Comrade, I want to ask you something. I think you are very happy. What's the matter? Is there any happy event in the village?"

The man didn't hide it, and quickly said with a smile: "Isn't there a happy event, a big happy event! Mushrooms have been grown in our village, and they are looking great! The commune cadres are coming to inspect!

Our captain said that when the commune cadres have finished their inspections, they will give us a note asking us to borrow money to grow mushrooms, saying that we want to expand the scale of planting, and then we can make a lot of money! "

When Zhou Yong heard this, he was very curious: "Why did you suddenly grow mushrooms? It's amazing!"

Although he doesn't understand very well, he also knows that growing mushrooms requires skill! Where did these people come from?

The man quickly said: "Jiang Zhiqing taught us to plant. He returned to Longjing last time, and the skills he learned there are really amazing!"

Zhou Yong thought to himself: "Is it Jiang Shixun and Jiang Zhiqing?"

"Of course it's him, who else could it be if he wasn't." The villager said naturally, "Jiang Zhiqing is really amazing. He taught us to sell pickles at the beginning, and this year he also let us open a chicken farm, and now he teaches us how to grow it. Mushroom, what a nice guy!"

Zhou Yong was so excited to hear that, after saying goodbye to the villagers, he quickly drove to Jiang's house.

As a result, the door was closed, and the gate of Jiang's house was locked, and it was obvious that he was not at home.

Zhou Yong was astonished, and only after asking someone did he find out that Jiang Shixun was in the mushroom room.

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