80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 903: A Special Child

Because of the past experience, Lao Jiu has no good feelings for men, and does not plan to marry and have children like ordinary women.

However, when she was 20 years old, she met a very special man. That person was very kind to her, and in the end she relented, not intending to lie any more, and was going to marry him and live a good life.

Unfortunately bad luck.

After the two got married, they had a happy birthday.

It's just that Lao Jiu hurt his body in the past, and he couldn't have children for several years after marriage.

Men's family will inevitably have a lot of opinions on her.

She was also very anxious herself, and used the money she had earned to work hard to treat illnesses, recuperate her body, and want to give birth to a child.

After seeking medical treatment in many ways, she met an old doctor who said that it was an ancestral special medicine. The effect was very good, but the price was expensive.

For the sake of the child, Lao Jiu gritted his teeth and bought that person's medicine to eat.

After eating a few times, I was really pregnant with a baby.

The couple was excited, and the man worked harder and harder to earn money, saying that he wanted to make up for her and the child.

Lao Jiu was so moved that he was full of expectations for this child.

Who knew that nine months later, the child was born and turned out to be a freak! And this freak died within an hour of giving birth.

Encountered such a blow, how can the couple bear it?

The man couldn't stand the stimulation, and when he crossed the road, he was in a trance, and was hit by a muck truck to pieces.

Lao Jiu was still in confinement at the time, and rushed over after getting the news, but only saw the broken body of her husband.

She was completely devastated.

The in-laws blamed her for killing her son, beat her angrily, and told her to bury her son with her.

Before the old Jiuyuezi finished sitting, he was beaten with bruises all over his body, and ran away when his husband was buried.

She found the drug seller, and angrily hacked the man to death, cut down the man's entire family, and burned the house.

And then began to run away again.

I met this human trafficker organization on the road, and followed the people inside to do human trafficker business.

Jiang Zhiying had no sympathy for this man after reading Lao Jiu's memory.

She was really miserable at the beginning, but later she cheated on people to get married, but she also cheated a lot of people. Later, when she lost her own children and husband, she could feel the heart-piercing pain, but she still chose to be a human trafficker, which shows that this kind of person has no heart at all.

In the end, she only cares about herself, and doesn't care about the lives of others.

As long as there is still a little conscience, it is impossible to be a trafficker, let other people's wives and children be separated, and their families will be destroyed!

Jiang Zhiying looked at Lao Jiu coldly and gave her a hint with her mental power.

Lao Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw Jiang Zhiying, his face changed greatly: "You..."

Unfortunately, before the words were finished, her expression became dazed.

After Jiang Zhiying gave her the spiritual suggestion, the old ninth returned to her usual appearance, but as if she did not see Jiang Zhiying, she walked over to the ladder directly, and then climbed up the ladder.

Jiang Zhiying sat on the mat and watched with cold eyes as she climbed out along the ladder, then took the ladder out and closed the exit.

As soon as the exit was closed, the entire basement instantly became dark.

There wasn't even a single lamp here, it was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Jiang Zhiying was not afraid, she was silently releasing her mental power to observe everyone above.

Especially the child who was about her age made her a little concerned.

According to Lao Jiu's memory, that child was the granddaughter of the old woman before, and her identity was somewhat special.

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