As soon as the old man heard that his body was weak, he immediately panicked: "That's right, I must have been sucked in by dirty things! I didn't do this when I woke up this morning!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the old man hit him hard with a smoking gun.

The bong in his hand is very long, the middle body is made of bamboo pipe, and the cigarette holder and cigarette pot at both ends are brass. The cigarette pot is a bit big, it is heavy in the hand, and it hurts even more when knocking on the hand.

In particular, he had been smoking all the time, and he burned the cigarette pot so hot that it not only hurt, but also scalded!

The old eight cried out "Ah" and hurriedly retracted his hand: "Old...Dad...I...I really didn't mean to, I...that basket is really dirty...Ouch!"

Before he could finish his words, he was slapped again by the old man, screaming in pain, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense again.

The old man slapped him several times with a gloomy face. Seeing that he was honest, he asked, "Does it hurt?"

The old man nodded sullenly.

He really didn't dare to offend this old man. Don't look at this old man who looked very old. He was very powerful, and he was vicious.

He had seen with his own eyes the way this old man murdered, and he still has nightmares until now.

How dare you offend him?

What's more, he is now sucked by the dirty things, and his body is soft and weak, and he is not the opponent of this old man at all!

The old man didn't want to die yet, so he simply admitted it.

The old man looked at his cowardly look with satisfaction, and continued with a sullen face: "Since it hurts, remember it carefully, what to say and what not to say, and control your tongue. If you can't control it, old man I can help you."

When it came to the end, he smiled at the old man, showing his mouth full of black and yellow teeth, so scared that the old man's soul was about to fly!

He hurriedly said: "Dad, I know I'm wrong, and I'll never talk nonsense again in the future! You just forgive me this time, I don't know why my body is so weak, look... Should I eat it? Anything to make up for it?"

"Well..." The old man glanced at him, got up and walked out, "Come with me, I'll show you a good look, and then prescribe some medicine."

As he spoke, he walked out of the main room with his hands behind his back.

The old man was a little cowardly, but he didn't dare not to follow, so he could only follow carefully.

Seeing his cowardly look, Lao Jiu secretly rolled his eyes in his heart, and then heard the old lady say, "Lao Jiu, go watch a little Siyu, don't let her hurt."

Lao Jiu's heart froze, and he quickly responded: "That's okay, I'll go see Siyu now."

After saying that, he ran out quickly.

When she went out, the fourth child suddenly asked, "Mother, can that really work?"

The old woman looked at him: "otherwise? Do you want to keep Siyu and let her hide in Tibet with us?"

The fourth elder frowned, feeling very reluctant.

He is only Jiang Siyu's daughter, how can he be willing to be separated from her? But the child is getting older and sensible, and it is really inappropriate to continue to follow him.

Although he can find a woman to take care of Jiang Siyu, but after all, it is not his own, and the other party may not be willing to take good care of him.

It is better to send the child to a good family and let her grow up safely.


"I just think that the status of the Jiang family is a little too low." The fourth child was full of confusion, "Can't we change to something better? Siyu follows them, what if they suffer in the future? And that little brat, she doesn't Will you bully Siyu?"

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